HC Deb 13 April 1921 vol 140 cc1083-4
20. Mr. R. YOUNG

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty if there is a Committee visiting naval ports known as a Re-settlement Committee; if so, by whom has it been appointed; what is its purpose and constitution; will it report to Parliament; and in what Estimates Vote will its cost appear?


The Re-settlement Committee was appointed by the Admiralty, in consultation with the Ministry of Labour, to investigate and formulate definite proposals on the question of imparting to men of His Majesty's Fleet, during their periods of service, educational and vocational training which will improve their prospects of employment in civil life after their discharge. The membership of the Committee is as follows: —

  • Captain Edward M. Bennett, O.B.E., R.N., Chairman.
  • Instructor Captain Horace H. Holland, B.A., R.N. (Deputy Inspector of Naval Schools).
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  • Major Henry N. H. Houghton, R.M.L.I., representing the Adjutant General, Royal Marines.
  • Mr. A. H. M. Robertson, Admiralty (Naval Branch) Secretariat.
  • Mr. I. Haig Mitchell, Ministry of Labour.
  • Paymaster Lieutenant Duncan F. Forbes, R.N., Secretary.
Arrangements are made from time to time for such visits by the Committee, or members of it, to naval ports, or establishments elsewhere, as may be desirable to assist them in their deliberations. The Report of the Committee will be submitted to the Board of Admiralty in accordance with the usual procedure. As the members of the Committee are officers serving in appointments at the Admiralty and Government officials, the only extra expense involved is their travelling and subsistence allowance when visiting home ports, etc. This is charged to a Naval Vote.


Have the Admiralty decided to call representatives of the lower deck by way of advising members of this Committee?


I am sure the Committee will take every opportunity of ascertaining the views of the lower deck.


Will the hon. and gallant Gentleman inquire?


I will inquire.

Colonel ASHLEY

Will my hon. Friend say whether any money has already been voted by Parliament for the expenses of this Committee?


I am afraid I must have notice of that question.