HC Deb 06 April 1921 vol 140 c244
8. Sir C. YATE

asked the Secretary of State for India who is the present Director of Wireless Telegraphy in India; whether the wireless expert to the Government of India, originally sent out from home, has since resigned, on appointment as director of the Marconi Company; whether the wireless system in India required for military purposes is complete; if not, what steps are being taken to make it so; and whether the complaints in the Indian Press as to the unsatisfactory condition of commercial wireless are justified.


Colonel A. Simpson, who was appointed Director of Wireless Telegraphy in India in 1919, resigned last year, and subsequently joined the Board of the Marconi Company. In his place I have appointed Commander R. L. Nicholson, D. S. O., late R. N., who is leaving for India next week. So far as I am aware, the wireless system in India required for military purposes is complete as regards internal communication. The complaint as to the unsatisfactory condition of commercial wireless, to which the hon. and gallant Member probably refers, is too vague for me to say whether it is justified.