HC Deb 25 October 1920 vol 133 cc1314-5
15. Mr. KENYON

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in view of the lapsing of the provisions of the Wages (Temporary Regulation) Act on 30th September last, he proposes to. introduce legislation to take its place.


In reply to a question put on 4th August by my hon. Friend the Member for Eastbourne, my right hon. Friend outlined the policy of the Government on this matter and stated that it was not proposed to continue this Act beyond 30th September. The Act has now expired. On 5th October, however, my right hon. Friend the Member for Miles Platting brought to my right hon. Friend a representative deputation of trade unionists interested in this question, who urged that the Act should be extended for a time, at any rate as regards women workers, until the contemplated increase in the number of trade boards had taken place. My right hon. Friend has since had an opportunity of discussing the question with a representative group of employers, and is informed by them that they do not wish the Act to be continued under any circumstances. My right hon. Friend the Member for Miles Platting made a further suggestion that my right hon. Friend should call a joint conference between the parties. When this suggestion was put to the employers, they reminded him that the employers' representatives have at all times been prepared to meet the unions concerned, and this information was conveyed to my right hon. Friend the Member for Miles Platting.