HC Deb 25 October 1920 vol 133 c1325
39. Lieut. - Colonel DALRYMPLE WHITE

asked the Prime Minister whether soft-nosed or other expanding bullets have been employed in Ireland in the attacks on police or military, or have been found on persons on being arrested; and, if so, whether notice will be given that in accordance with the practice obtaining in warfare any one illegally using or being found in possession of such ammunition shall, on conviction, be liable to the death penalty?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative, and to the latter part of the question in the negative.

Lieut.-Colonel WHITE

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that during the South African War, which was, after all, far more than a revolt against us, and was war properly so called, the British leaders issued such a notice which had a material effect in checking the use of expanding bullets by certain members of the Boer forces?


I am fully aware of that, but the state of war which existed in South Africa does not now exist in Ireland. It would be necessary either to pass legislation or declare martial law in order to treat those found with such ammunition in the mariner suggested.


Are the soldiers serving in Ireland considered to be on active service?


That is a matter for the Secretary of State for War, who is considering it from the point of view of the soldier.