HC Deb 21 October 1920 vol 133 cc1043-4

asked the Minister of Pensions what reasons have caused the stoppage of allowances to the relatives of men serving in the Army, Navy, and Air Force who enlisted with the assurance that the dependants' allowances would be continued as in War days; and what steps he proposes to take to remedy this?

The MINISTER of PENSIONS (Mr. Macpherson)

My hon. Friend refers, I presume, to the Supplementary Separa- tion Allowances formerly granted by the Special Grants Committee. The Government decided that, as the Service pay of the forces had been substantially increased, the Separation Allowance payable to the families and dependants of men in Service could no longer be justifiably supplemented out of public funds.


If it is brought to the notice of the Minister of Pensions that suffering and distress is caused by the stoppage of dependants' allowances, even taking into account the extra allowance made by the soldier to his dependants resulting from his increased pay (not even yet sufficient, bearing in mind the cost of living), will he consider a recommendation of the Committee to put into operation the separate allowance?


These are exceptional cases. I shall be very glad if my hon. Friend will come and see me, when I will explain the matter to him.