HC Deb 30 November 1920 vol 135 c1114
67. Mr. HOGGE

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether the compulsory order issued by the Board of Agriculture under the Defence of the Realm Act for the cultivation of land at Tom-na-qualin, Glenorchy, occupied by Dugald Cameron, has yet been withdrawn or cancelled; what is the estimate of the total expense incurred by the Board in this matter; whether any part has been incurred since Whit Sunday, 1920; whether the Mar quess of Bredalbane has intimated to the Board that he has now no objection to the constitution of a small holding here and has asked that an officer of the Board discuss proposals; whether this offer has been acknowledged by the Board; and whether, in the whole circumstances, he is now prepared to instruct that the consultation be now pushed forward with a view to a settlement of this case?


On 12th April the Board of Agriculture for Scotland gave Mr. Cameron notice to quit occupation at 2nd May, 1920. Formal withdrawal of the order was in the Board's view not necessary, as the proprietor took action to eject Mr. Cameron after that date, and obtained a decree of ejection in the Sheriff Court. The total expenses so far incurred by the Board amount to £262, no part of which sum has been incurred since Whit Sunday last. The Marquis of Bredalbane made a qualified offer in the sense stated, which was acknowledged by the Board. In reply to the last part of the question, I am in communication with the Board regarding my hon. Friend's suggestion.