§ 69. Rear-Admiral ADAIRasked the Secretary for Scotland whether the Director of Building Materials Supply has refused permission to the Middle Ward Committee of Lanarkshire to purchase bricks locally at a price 13s. in excess of the regulation price, but has caused them to accept others from distant sources of supply, so that the cost of freight entailed a gross price considerably in excess of the local price?
§ Mr. PRATTThe Director of Building Materials Supply has no power to authorise local authorities to purchase bricks, and can only supply bricks as available through his own organisation. I am advised, however, that on the case in question being brought to the notice of the Scottish Board of Health they authorised the local authority to purchase bricks locally at a price in excess of the Building Materials Supply Department rate.
§ Rear-Admiral ADAIRIs the hon. Gentleman aware that bricks are being sent to Scotland from London and Barrow-in-Furness for building purposes in Glasgow, whilst bricks made in Scotland are being sent to England?
Lieut.-Colonel Sir J. HOPEDoes that not show that the Building Materials Supply Department is working successfully with regard to the supply of bricks for housing in Scotland?
§ Mr. PRATTThe Scottish Board of Health and the Government quite realise that. The difficulties of the last few weeks are under consideration now by my right hon. Friend the Secretary for Scotland and the Minister of Health.
Sir J. HOPECan the hon. Member say when a settlement will be arrived at so that we can get on with housing?
Mr. MacCALLUM SCOTTHas the Scottish Board of Health any control over, the Building Materials Supply Department?
Mr. MacCALLUM SCOTTDoes that mean that building materials in Scotland are under the control of the English Minister of Health?
§ Mr. HAYDAYAre there many houses being built at all in Scotland?