HC Deb 29 November 1920 vol 135 cc1031-2

Whereas at Washington, on the twenty-eighth day of November nineteen hundred and nineteen, a general conference of the International Labour Organisation of the League of Nations adopted three conventions containing (together with other provisions) the provisions set out in Part I., Part II. and Part III. of the Schedule to this Act, and it is expedient that for the purpose of carrying out the said conventions the provisions hereinafter contained should have effect.


I beg to move, after the word Act [Schedule to this Act, and it is expedient], to insert the words: And whereas at Genoa on the ninth day of July, nineteen hundred and twenty, a general conference of the International Labour Organisation of the League of Nations adopted a convention containing (together with other provisions) the provisions set out in Part IV. of the Schedule to this Act: And whereas. This is one of a series of Amendments, and it will be clear to the House why they are proposed. Since the Bill was brought in a Convention has been entered into by the International Labour Organisation of the League of Nations, and the purpose of these Amendments is to ratify that Convention together with the Convention agreed to at Washington. This Convention deals with the employment of children in ships. Hon. Members will see the Convention set out in the form of a Schedule on the Order Paper.

Amendment agreed to.