52. Captain TUDOR-REESasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether over 20 millions have been lent to Serbia; and, if so, what were the terms upon which such loan was made, when that sum is repayable, and what, if any, securities are held in respect thereof?
§ Mr. BALDWINThe Serbian Government received loans amounting to approximately £21,000,000 during the War, for which they have undertaken to deliver obligations, dated the 1st January, 1920, and bearing 5 per cent. 221 interest from the date. The Serbian Government have further received advances for relief, since the Armistice, amounting to approximately £1,500,000, for which they undertake to deliver 6 per cent. Bonds as from the dates of the advances. The above obligations have not yet been actually deposited.
§ Sir H. BRITTAINIs any security offered to Montenegro in this matter?