2. Major BARNESasked the President of the Board of Trade if there is any evidence in his possession showing that the price of commodities and, in consequence, the cost of living is increased by the action of trusts and other similar trade combinations; and, if so, whether such evidence is of such a character as to make it a matter of urgency that legislation dealing with such trade associations should be introduced at an early date.
§ The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of TRADE (Sir Robert Horne)A number of investigations covering a wide area of 4 trade and industry have been and are being made by the Standing Committee on Trusts, appointed under the Profiteering Acts, and reports on those investigations which have been completed have been laid before Parliament. Those reports on a comprehensive view do not show that at the present time any effect is being produced in the way of increasing the cost of living by the action of trusts. My hon. Friend the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade stated on the 21st October that it would not be possible to introduce legislation for dealing with trusts this Session, and I do not think the information disclosed by the inquiries which have been held so far makes it necessary to reconsider this decision.
§ Sir R. HORNENo, I do not think my hon. Friend has a right to draw such an inference. I hope, if time be available next Session, to be able to introduce the proposals which we are prepared to lay before Parliament.
§ Lieut.- Commander KENWORTHYDoes not the report show that, while there is no raising of prices through trusts, the tendency is to keep them down?
§ Sir R. HORNEThere are many instances showing that the action of trusts has tended to give people commodities at reduced prices.
Major BARNESDoes the right hon. Gentleman mean that the Government intend to introduce legislation, whether the evidence justifies it or not?
§ Sir R. HORNEMy hon. Friend misapprehends the position. We have no indication of anything being done by any combination which, taken as a whole, has increased the cost of living. But, on the other hand, the power is there, and we propose to control it.
§ Sir J. BUTCHERHow many of the recommendations of the Committee on Trusts appointed two years ago have been carried out?
§ Sir R. HORNEIt is those very recommendations on which are based the proposals we intend to lay before Parliament.
§ Sir J. BUTCHERNext Session?