HC Deb 18 November 1920 vol 134 cc2090-1
48 and 49. Major-General Sir N. MOORE

asked the Prime Minister (1) if his attention has been drawn to the fact that in more than one volume of personal memoirs and reminiscences recently published copies of secret State documents and despatches and the alleged views of members of the Government have been published; whether such action comes within the scope of the Official Secrets Act; whether he proposes to take steps, by legislation or otherwise, to prevent further disclosures in future;

(2) Whether, in view of the anxiety existing as a result of the recent disclosures in certain volumes just published, he will assure the House that the practice reported to have been followed in divulging the vital and confidential business of the nation by members of the Cabinet with others outside has been discontinued; and whether he can indicate that safeguards have been instituted to prevent the recurrence of such reprehensible and unconstitutional practices?


I have not read the works which I understand are referred to, and I am therefore not aware of the disclosures referred to by my hon. and gallant Friend. It is, of course, an obligation upon Ministers, Admirals, Generals and officials not to disclose confidential State or official papers or information without the previous approval of His Majesty's Government for the time being, or, in minor matters, the approval of the head of the Department to which they relate.


Will the right hon. Gentleman peruse the two volumes if I send him a presentation copy?


Can the Prime Minister give the House an assurance that this understanding, that Cabinet Ministers should never disclose what takes place at Cabinet meetings, is carried out by Cabinet Ministers themselves?


That is exactly what I have said—not merely Cabinet Ministers, but others as well. There is nothing which is more open to objection than the publication of secret Cabinet decisions.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that documents such as resignations of Cabinet Ministers have been disposed of for personal gain?


Is he a wave that there will be no further letters from Cabinet Ministers resigning as long as this Government is in power?


I am obliged to my hon. Friend for his confidence.

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