HC Deb 17 November 1920 vol 134 cc1885-6

asked the Minister of Health whether, having regard to the many changes that have taken place recently in the membership of the Leeds and Bradford city councils, he will refer the extension schemes of those cities back for reconsideration in order that the new members of those councils may have an opportunity of dissociating themselves from the proposals of their predecessors?


I do not think I could properly adopt the course suggested, but if, as a result of the recent changes in the constitution of either town council, the proposals of the town councils are varied, they can at any time withdraw the application.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is a large body of opinion in both Leeds and Bradford which is strongly opposed to these extension schemes, and will he, before consenting to an inquiry, require the promoters of these schemes to show some evidence that they are supported by at least a substantial proportion of the ratepayers of these two cities?


It is quite impracticable for me to promote an analysis of the opinions prevailing in different bodies; I can only proceed according to the form which the law requires. I may say, however, that I am having a conference with the various authorities concerned tomorrow afternoon, which, I hope, will facilitate matters.


In view of the strong body of opinion in these two cities, will the right hon. Gentleman, when he meets the conference to-morrow, bring this matter strongly before them, so as to avoid this extravagant waste of ratepayers' money?


The very purpose of the conference to-morrow is to discuss how we can avoid any waste of money.


Abandon the inquiry.

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