HC Deb 11 November 1920 vol 134 cc1360-1
31. Mr. HURD

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the recommendation of the International Postal Union Congress at Madrid that in future Congresses only parent countries will have voting power, Colonies being excluded from voting, although they may send delegates: whether such a definition would deprive Canada and the other Dominions represented at such Congresses of the enjoyment of their new status of nationhood as established at Versailles; and what steps His Majesty's Government are taking in the matter?


I am informed that no such recommendation was made at the Postal Union Congress at Madrid. The voting power of the British Dominions is not affected in any way by the decision of the Congress.


Will the right hon. Gentleman inquire into this matter, because at Ottawa definite statements have come from official sources to that effect?


Are not Canada and other Dominions sister nations and not daughters?