HC Deb 05 November 1920 vol 134 c787

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill."


I wish to ask a question on this Clause. I rather think there is an omission in the Bill. So far as I can see, the Bill does not specify the penalty for breaking Clause 1. There may be something in our general law for imposing a penalty, but if there is, I do not know it. Clause 1 just says that the employment of women or young persons in the six specified trades is illegal, but it does not say what the penalty for breaking the law is. Clause 2, which provides for certain equipment of works which use lead compounds, does provide a penalty in Sub-section (3), which says that where these equipments are not provided, there shall be deemed to be a breach of the Factory and Workshop Act, 1901. I think the Home Secretary will find that there is an omission, as no special penalties are laid down for a breach of Clause 1 of the Bill.


I will look into it.