HC Deb 04 November 1920 vol 134 cc571-2
68. Mr. JESSON

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the reasons for excluding natalite motor spirit from importation into the United Kingdom by making it subject to a high duty when this fuel is being so successfully used in South Africa, and its manufacture and use approved in Kenya Colony, India, and Australia; and if he is aware that if this duty is not removed large quantities of this spirit, which is so urgently required in this country, will be devoted to foreign markets?


It is not possible in answer to a question to discuss adequately the subject referred to by the hon. Member. But I may say shortly that it is necessary both for the protection of the Revenue, having regard to the high rates of duty on spirits at present in force in this country and in fairness to home manufacturers, that all spirits intended to be used as motor fuel should be denatured here under the supervision of the Revenue Officers in a manner approved by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise. The importation duty-free of natalite, or any other spirit denatured abroad, would involve risks to the Revenue which, as at present advised, I am not prepared to take.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that natalite is satisfactory in South Africa, and that there is no abuse of the excise, and could not the same be done here?


No. I think it necessary for the reasons I have stated that the denaturing should take place in this country under supervision and in accordance to the formula approved by the Revenue Authorities.


Is it necessary that the duty should be paid before the denaturing takes places?


That is a question that I answered some days ago in reply to my hon. Friend.

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