§ 71. Sir THOMAS BRAMSDONasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the total of subscriptions received to date for the first and second issue of Treasury bonds; what is the total of subscriptions received from the Armistice to date for national savings certificates; and what has been the amount of national savings certificates repaid between the same dates?
Mr. CHAMBERLAINUp to the 4th instant, approximately £11,960,000 and £2,600,000 had been received in subscriptions to the first and second issues of 1918 Treasury Bonds. The latter figure does not include Bonds issued in exchange for five per cent. Exchequer Bonds, 1920. which are estimated to reach a total of £2,500,000. Between the 11th November, 1918, and the 4th instant, £136,030,000 was received into the Exchequer on account of savings certificates, and £51,250,000 was issued from the Exchequer for repayments.