HC Deb 02 December 1920 vol 135 cc1407-8
14. Mr. ALFRED DAVIES (Clitheroe)

asked the Minister of Pensions how many applications for pensions have been submitted to the district commissioner of medical service acting at Ashton-under-Lyne by ex-service men who have been discharged more than six months and whose disability is tuberculosis; and how many applications have been successful?


I regret that I have not this information. The records of my Department are not kept in such a form as to enable me to answer my hon. Friend without causing a review of each case dealt with in the area.


May I submit to the right hon. Gentleman that there is a considerable amount of dissatisfaction prevailing in the area covered by the district of Ashton-under-Lyne, and justifiable dissatisfaction, and that unless we can get these statistics we can get no guide to the percentages of bonâ fide cases turned down; and if I give him notice will he try and get the information for my district?


If my hon. Friend will consult mo I shall be most happy to do what I can for him; but I would like to point out it will involve an enormous amount of additional labour.