HC Deb 01 December 1920 vol 135 cc1224-5
27. Viscount CURZON

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will take steps to circulate to the Press a list showing the number of ex-service men unemployed in each borough in London; whether the borough council is on the King's Roll or not; how many ex-service men are employed in each case; whether any special appeal has been addressed to them on the matter; and, if so, with what result?

28. Lieut.-Colonel Sir SAMUEL HOARE

asked the Minister of Labour which Metropolitan borough Councils have, and which have not, given their names to the King's Roll?


To give the figures for each Metropolitan borough is very difficult, as the areas are not coterminous with the Labour Exchange areas. As regards the second part of the question, 23 of the 28 borough councils are on the King's Roll—a comparatively good record. I am continuing my appeal to the other five, and I hope I may secure their favourable response.

Viscount CURZON

Would the right hon. Gentleman indicate the names of the five abstaining boroughs?


No, I would rather not at the moment. It may very well be that some of these five boroughs, the views of which are before me, are already employing the requisite number, but are not on the list. I can assure the hon. and gallant Gentleman that I will not give them any rest in the matter.

Viscount CURZON

May I repeat my question to-day week as to the five?


As to the date, I will discuss it with my hon. and gallant Friend.

Captain LOSEBY

Will the right hon. Gentleman give an undertaking that within a reasonable period he will publish a complete list of these borough councils who have not supported the Government plan?


Surely the right hon. Gentleman can ascertain in seven days whether or not these five boroughs are employing a sufficient number of men to entitle them to be on the roll?


Compared with local authorities over the country, I think we have done very well—23 out of 28— as the average figures will show. I will do my best for the men; I hope I may not fail.