§ 6. Mr. GILBERTasked the Secretary of State for India what general increases in salaries and what war bonuses have been granted to the staffs at the India Stores, Belvedere Road, S.E., since 1914; whether the pensioned and unpensioned staff are treated on quite a different basis as regards war bonus; whether he is aware that there is discontent amongst the staff employed there, and can his Department inquire into the complaints of the staff with a view of placing all men who are doing the same kind of work on the same basis as regards pay, war bonus, and pensions?
§ Mr. MONTAGUWith the hon. Member's permission, I will have published in the OFFICIAL REPORT a statement of the general increases in salaries.
War bonuses for pensionable staff are in accordance with decisions of His Majesty's Treasury based on the recommendations of the National Whitley Council for the Civil Service. For the non-pensionable staff, they are in accordance with Government awards made by the Industrial Court from time to time for the Government employés concerned. At present the war bonus is 41s. a week on the pre-War wage of 25s. 6d., in addition to which 12 ½ per cent. is added to the total of wages and bonus. The only evidences of discontent that have been brought to my notice are a request from the labourers to be placed on the pensionable establishment, and a petition from the inspectors for an improvement in their salaries. All complaints from the staff are dealt with under the Whitley procedure as applied to Government Departments. These matters are at pre sent engaging the earnest attention of the High Commissioner for India.
Sir J. D. REESIs it not quite usual to make a distinction between the pensioned and unpensioned staffs?
§ Mr. MONTAGUI should not like to endorse any generalisations.
§ Mr. MONTAGUI do not know to what the hon. Member refers. I have no knowledge of the religious belief of any of these people, but I am given to understand that they are nearly all English.
§ The following is the statement referred to:
§ General increases in salaries have been as follow:
§ Supervisors.
- 1914.—£250, rising to £500.
- 1920.—£325, rising to £600.
§ Assistant Inspectors.
- 1914.—£150, rising to £250.
- 1920.—£170, rising to £250.
§ Sub-Inspectors.
- 1914.—48s. a week, rising to 54s. a week.
- 1920.—£150, rising to £165.