26. Sir J. D. REESasked the Minister of Labour if he will state under what authority he intervenes in the internal dissensions of the baking business, whether relating to the sexes of the bakers or the manner, method, and times in, and at, which they bake?
§ The MINISTER of LABOUR (Dr. Macnamara)The authority would be the Industrial Courts Act, 1919. If my hon. Friend, however, is referring to the Scottish baking dispute, I have not yet intervened, and should not do so as long as the Joint Industrial Council is dealing with the matter.
Sir J. D. REESIs it not the object of the right hon. Gentleman and the object of the Government to keep out of the baking business, and out of all business, except that of governing
§ Dr. MACNAMARAMy hon. Friend misunderstands the situation. I am not "in the baking business." There is a dispute, and, while I have a very strong prejudice about people minding their own business, it is my duty under the Industrial Courts Act, Part I, Section 2, Sub-section (2), to intervene if I think I ought to do so in the public interest.
§ Dr. MACNAMARAYes, in the bulk of cases I receive an application. Occasionally I do not. If I do not, I hold a court of inquiry under Part II.
§ Sir H. BRITTAINDoes the right hon. Member know what once happened to the chief baker?
Sir J. D. REESWill the Government continue to be a party to disputes of this character for an indefinite period?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAPerhaps my hon. Friend had better read the Act!