HC Deb 16 November 1917 vol 99 cc747-9

The next two Amendments on Clause 2, standing in the name of the hon. Member (Mr. Billing), dealing


I did not feel sufficiently impressed by the Amendment to think. it worth while to change the Title of the Bill. This is essentially a force that we propose to raise. We hope it will be a very formidable force. The hon. Member (Mr. Billing) referred to the existing Royal Naval Air Service and the Flying Corps. Both these are very good. names. Now that we have taken over both of them, either would have just cause to resent it if you gave the united force the name of the other. These are little things which people have to pay attention to. It appeared more reasonable to adopt a name which is not in use by either branch of the Air Force at present and to call it what it really is, an Air Force. I trust the Amendment will not be pressed.


I do press it.

Question put, "That the word 'Force' stand part of the Bill."

The House divided: Ayes, 90; Noes, 0.

Division No. 112.] AYES. [12.47 p.m.
Acland, Rt. Hon. Francis Dyke Foster, Philip Staveley Millar, James Duncan
Allen, Arthur A. (Dumbartonshire) Galbraith, Samuel Money, Sir L. G. Chiozza
Archdale, Lieut. E. M. Gibbs, Col. George Abraham Nicholson, Sir Charles N. (Doncaster)
Baird, John Lawrence Greenwood, Sir Hamar (Sunderland) Nicholson, William G. (Peterfield)
Baldwin, Stanley Greig, Colonel J. W. Parker, James (Halifax)
Barnett, Captain R. W. Griffith, Rt. Hon. Ellis Jones Parrott, Sir James Edward
Barnston, Capt. Harry Gulland, Rt. Hon. John William Partington Hon. Oswald
Bathurst Col. Hon. A. B. (Glouc., E.) Hambro, Angus Valdemar Pearce, Sir Robert (Staffs. Leek)
Bellairs, Commander C. W. Harcourt, Robert V. (Montrose) Pearce, Sir William (Limehouse)
Blair, Reginald Harris, Percy A. (Leicester, S.) Pease,Rt.Hon. Herbert Pike(Darlington)
Boland, John Plus Haslam Lewis Peel, Major Hon. G. (Spalding)
Boscawen, Sir Arthur S. T. Griffith- Hodge, Rt. Hon. John Philipps, Gen. Sir Ivor (Southampton,
Boyton, James Holmes, Daniel Turner Pringle, William M. R.
Brace, Rt. Hon. William Hope, James Fitzalan (Sheffield) Rowlands, James
Broughton, Urban Hanlon Howard, Hon. Geoffrey Sherwell, Arthur James
Burns, Rt. Hon. John Jacobsen, Thomas Owen Smith, Rt. Hon. Sir F. E. (Liverpool)
Butcher, John George Jardine, Sir John (Roxburgh) Smith, Sir Swire (Keighley, Yorks)
Cecil, Rt. Hon. Evelyn (Aston Manor) Jones, J. Towyn (Carmarthen, East) Staveley-Hill, Lieut.-Col. H.
Cecil, Lord Hugh (Oxford University) Jones, W. Kennedy (Hornsey) Tickler, T. G.
Clough, William Jones, William S. Glyn- (Stepney) Wedgwood, Lieut.-Commander Josiah C.
Colvin, Col. Richard Beale Joyce, Michael Whiteley, Herbert J.
Cornwall, Sir Edwin A. Lambert, Richard (Wilts, Cricklade) Williams, Col. Sir R. (Dorset, W.)
Craig, Col. James (Down, E.) Law, Rt. Hon. A. Bonar (Bootle) Wilson, W. T. (Westhoughton)
Crooks, Rt. Hon. William Lewis, Rt. Hon. John Herbert Wing, Thomas Edward
Crumley, Patrick Lindsay, William Arthur Worthington Evans, Sir L.
Currie, George W. Macmaster, Donold Yate, Colonel C. E.
Doris, William McMicking, Major Gilbert Yeo, Alfred William
Dougherty, Rt. Hon. Sir J. B. Macpherson, James Ian Yoxall, Sir James Henry
Fell, Arthur Maden, Sir John Henry
Fisher, Rt. Hon. H. A. L. (Hallam) Magnus, Sir Philip TELLERS FOR THE AYES.—Lord
Fleming, Sir J. (Aberdeen, S.) Meux, Adml. Hon. Sir Hedworth Edmund Talbot and Captain Guest.
TELLERS FOR THE NOES.—Mr. Billing and Mr. Lynch.

with distinctive uniform and designation, of rank, are covered by the Bill.


So far as my Amendment, is concerned for the institution of a distinctive uniform, there is nothing in the Bill. which states that this is going to be done, and the Amendment is put down purely for the purpose of endeavouring to elicit from the Front Bench an undertaking that this will be done.


I have already ruled that out of order, as it is covered by the Bill.