HC Deb 30 October 1912 vol 43 c432
34. Mr. LEACH

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India what steps the Government is taking to stamp out plague in India which, last year, caused 842,000 deaths, and which has, during the last six teen years, swept away 8,000,000 victims.


The Plague Investigation Commission is continuing its valuable labours, and in the light of its discoveries and of past experience, preventive and remedial measures are being steadily pursued. They include the destruction of rats, the provision of special hospitals and travelling dispensaries, preventive inoculation, the purification of plague-infected sites, and the general sanitary improvement of urban and rural areas. Plague mortality during the present year is much less than in the corresponding portion of 1911.

Sir J. D. REES

Is not the mortality from fever ten times that for plague?