HC Deb 30 October 1912 vol 43 cc420-1

asked whether any conclusion has been come to as a result of the promised consideration by the Lords of the Admiralty of the position of assistant naval store officers?


The Admiralty have been unable up to the present to find any general solution that commends itself to other departments employing officers of similar grades. They have, however, been dealing with the situation administratively by giving officers in the departments affected the opportunity of transfer to vacancies in other Admiralty departments where promotion is likely to be more rapid. Certain expansions of establishment and unforeseen casualties have also affected the rate of promotion. The situation has thus been considerably ameliorated.


Is the hon. Gentleman able to say whether a permanent decision will soon be made in regard to the matter? It is a year ago since I was last assured that it was receiving consideration, and the answer then given was a repetition of a reply made two and a half years before.


As I said, we are dealing with the situation administratively, and a considerable amelioration has been already effected.