HC Deb 28 June 1897 vol 50 cc672-3

Order for Second Reading Read.

Motion made, and Question put, "That the Bill be now Read a Second time." The House divided: —Ayes, 52; Noes, 65. —(Division List—No. 249—appended.)

Balfour, Rt. Hn. A. J. (Manch'r) Fisher, William Hayes Ritchie, Rt. Hn. Chas. Thomson
Balfour, Rt. Hn Gerald W(Leeds) Gorst, Rt. Hn. Sir John Eldon Shaw-Stewart, M. H. (Renfrew)
Beach, Rt. Hn. Sir M. H. (Bristol) Greene, Henry D. (Shrewsbury) Smith, Hon. W. F. D. (Strand)
Bethell, Captain Hamilton, Rt. Hon. Lord Geo. Stanley, Lord (Lancs.)
Bonsor, Henry cosmo Orme Hanbury, Rt. Hn. Robert Wm. Stephens, Henry Charles
Bowles, T. Gibson (King'sLynn) Haslett, Sir James Horner Stirling-Maxwell, Sir John M.
Brodrick, Rt. Hon. St. John Helder, Augustus Strauss, Arthur
Caldwell, James Holland, Hon. Lionel Raleigh Strutt, Hon. Charles Hedley
Cavendish, R. F. (N. Lancs.) Hopkinson, Alfred Sturt, Hon. Humphry Napier
Cecil, Lord Hugh Johnston, William (Belfast) Thorburn, Walter
Chamberlain, J. Austen (Worc'r) Lawrence, Wm. F. (Liverp'l.) Thornton, Percy M.
Chaplin, Rt. Hon. Henry Leigh-Bennett, Henry Currie Webster, Sir R. E. (Isle of Wight)
Collings, Rt. Hon. Jesse Llewellyn, Evan H. (Somerset) Williams, Joseph Powell- (Birm.)
Currie, Sir Donald Lorne, Marquess of Willoughby de Eresby, Lord
Davies, Horatio D. (Chatham) Lowles, John
Douglas, Rt. Hn. A. Akers- Maxwell, Sir Herbert E. TELLERS FOR THE AYES, Sir William Walrond and Mr. Anstruther.
Drucker, A. Nicholson, William Graham
Fergusson, Rt. Hn. Sir, J (Manc'r) Purvis, Robert
Finlay, Sir Robert Bannatyne Ridley, Rt. Hn. Sir MatthewW.
Abraham, William (Cork, N. E.) Hedderwick, Thos. Charles H. Rickett, J. Compton
Ambrose, Robert (Mayo, W.) Hogan, James Francis Roberts, John Bryn (Eifion)
Austin, M. (Limerick, W.) Horniman, Frederick John Roberts, John H. (Denbighs.)
Bayley, Thomas (Derbyshire) Kilbride Denis Robson, William Snowdon
Burt, Thomas Kinloch, Sir John Geo. Smyth Samuel, J. (Stockton-on-Tees)
Clark, Dr. G. B. (Caithness-sh.) Lambert, George Scott, Charles Prestwich
Clough, Walter Owen Leng, Sir John Souttar, Robinson
Collery, Bernard Lough, Thomas Stanhope, Hon. Philip J.
Colville, John Macaleese, Daniel Sullivan, Donal (Westmeath)
Crilly, Daniel McDermott, Patrick Tanner, Charles Kearns
Curran, Thomas (Sligo, S.) McEwan, William Thomas, Alfred (Glamorgan, E.)
Daly, James McKenna, Reginald Tully, Jasper
Davitt, Michael Molloy, Bernard Charles Wedderburn, Sir William
Dike, Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Morgan, J. Lloyd (Carmarthen) Whittaker, Thomas Palmer
Donelan, Captain A. Morgan, W. Pritchard (Merthyr) Williams, John Carvell (Notts.)
Esmonde, Sir Thomas Morton, Edw. John Chalmers Wilson, John (Govan)
Fenwick, Charles O'Brien, James F. X. (Cork) Wilson, Jos H. (Middlesbrough)
Ffrench, Peter O'Connor, Arthur (Donegal) Young, Samuel
Gilhooly, James O'Ccnnor,James (Wicklow,W.) Yoxall, James Henry
Greville, Captain Owen, Thomas
Grey, Sir Edward (Berwick) Parnell, John Howard TELLERS FOR THE NOES. Mr. Dalziel and Mr. Lloyd- George.
Haldane Richard Burdon Pickersgill, Edward Hare
Hazell, Walter Power, Patrick Joseph

The declaration of the numbers, indicating that the Bill had been lost, was received with ironical Opposition cheers.


, rising immediately, said: It is evident that the attempt to carry on business during the Jubilee celebration is not wholly unattended with difficulties. In these circumstances, I beg to move "That this House do now adjourn." [Ministerial cheers, laughter, and Opposition cries of "No!"]

Question put, "That this House do now adjourn." The House divided:— Ayes, 58; Noes, 64.—(Division List, No. 250.)