Section title Mentions House Date
Business of the House 2 Commons 1983-11-17
Business of the House 1 Commons 1983-11-24
Restrictive Trade Practices (Stock Exchange) Bill 1 Commons 1983-11-30
Restrictive Trade Practices (Stock Exchange) Bill 1 Lords 1983-12-01
Restrictive Trade Practices (Stock Exchange) Bill 1 Lords 1983-12-15
Restrictive Trade Practices (Stock Exchange) Bill 1 Lords 1983-12-15
Restrictive Trade Practices (Stock Exchange) Bill 1 Lords 1984-01-17
Restrictive Trade Practices (Stock Exchange) Bill 1 Lords 1984-01-26
Investor Protection (Gower Report) 1 Commons 1984-07-16
Share Ownership 1 Lords 1985-02-20
Financial Services 1 Commons 1985-04-24