Section title Mentions House Date
Office of Communications Bill [H.L.] 4 Lords 2001-10-15
Office of Communications Bill [H.L.] 1 Lords 2001-10-15
Railtrack 1 Westminster Hall 2001-12-12
Broadcasting: Scrutiny by Peers 1 Lords 2001-12-13
Office of Communications Bill [Lords] 5 Commons 2002-01-14
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill [H.L.] 1 Lords 2002-03-01
Local Commercial Radio 1 Commons 2002-07-22
Courts Bill [H.L.] 1 Lords 2003-02-10
Water Bill Rill 2 Grand Committee Report 2003-04-08
Tourism 1 Lords 2003-04-30
Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill 1 Lords 2003-10-09