
35th Report - Drawn to the special attention of the House: Draft Non-Crime Hate Incidents: Draft Code of Practice on the Recording and Retention of Personal Data 2023 Immigration (Electronic Travel Authorisations) (Consequential Amendment) Regulations and Statement of changes to the Immigration Rules, Mandatory Travel Concession (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2023, Sentencing Act 2020 (Magistrates’ Court Sentencing Powers) (Amendment) Regulations 2023, Correspondence: Quality of the Department of Health and Social Care’s Explanatory Memoranda, Includes information paragraphs on: Draft Microchipping of Cats and Dogs (England) Regulations 2023, Amendments of the Law (Resolution of Silicon Valley Bank UK Limited) Order 2023, Prison and Young Offender Institution (Adjudication) (Amendment) Rules 2023

Published: Thursday 30 March 2023 @ 11:00
Publication type: Report
Committee: Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee
  • HL Paper 177 (2022-23)

