Bill papers

Session 1 of the 58th Parliament

  1. Abolition of Business Rates Bill
  2. Abortion Bill [HL]
  3. Abortion (Cleft Lip, Cleft Palate and Clubfoot) Bill
  4. Access to Palliative Care and Treatment of Children Bill [HL]
  5. Advanced Research and Invention Agency Act 2022
  6. Age of Criminal Responsibility Bill [HL]
  7. Agriculture Act 2020
  8. Air Quality Bill
  9. Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Aircraft Act 2021
  10. Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Act 2021
  11. Anonymity (Arrested Persons) Bill [HL]
  12. Anxiety (Environmental Concerns) Bill
  13. Anxiety in Schools (Environmental Concerns) Bill
  14. Apologies Bill
  15. Armed Forces Act 2021
  16. Armed Forces (Posthumous Pardons) Bill [HL]
  17. Arms (Exports and Remote Warfare) Bill
  18. Assaults on Retail Workers (Offences) Bill
  19. Assisted Dying Bill [HL]
  20. Asylum Seekers (Accommodation Eviction Procedures) Bill
  21. Asylum Seekers (Permission to Work) Bill
  22. Asylum Support (Prescribed Period) Bill [HL]
  23. Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) Bill
  24. Automated Facial Recognition Technology (Moratorium and Review) Bill [HL]
  25. Automatic Electoral Registration Bill
  26. Aviation Banning Orders (Disruptive Passengers) Bill
  27. Banking Services (Post Offices) Bill
  28. Bat Habitats Regulation Bill
  29. BBC Licence Fee (Civil Penalty) Bill
  30. BBC (Transparency) Bill
  31. Benefits and Public Services (Restriction) Bill
  32. Birmingham Commonwealth Games Act 2020
  33. Border Control Bill
  34. Botulinum Toxin and Cosmetic Fillers (Children) Act 2021
  35. British Broadcasting Corporation (Oversight) Bill
  36. British Library Board (Power to Borrow) Act 2021
  37. Buses (Zero Emissions) Bill [HL]
  38. Business and Planning Act 2020
  39. Business Standards Bill
  40. Caravan Sites Bill
  41. Cash Machines Bill
  42. Certificate of Loss Bill [HL]
  43. Children (Access to Treatment) Bill
  44. Child Safety (Cycle Helmets) Bill
  45. Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill [HL]
  46. Climate and Ecology Bill
  47. Cohabitation Rights Bill [HL]
  48. Company Transparency (Carbon in Supply Chains) Bill
  49. Constitutional Privileges Bill [HL]
  50. Contingencies Fund Act 2020
  51. Contingencies Fund Act 2021
  52. Contracts for Difference and Onshore Wind Bill [HL]
  53. Control of Roadworks Bill
  54. Conveyancing Standards Bill
  55. Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies (Environmentally Sustainable Investment) Bill
  56. Coronavirus Act 2020
  57. Coronavirus Inquiry Bill
  58. Coronavirus (No. 2) Bill
  59. Coroners (Determination of Suicide) Bill [HL]
  60. Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020
  61. Cosmetic Surgery (Standards) Bill [HL]
  62. Counter-Terrorism and Sentencing Act 2021
  63. Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021
  64. Covid-19 Financial Assistance (Gaps in Support) Bill
  65. Criminal Fraud (Private Prosecutions) Bill
  66. Criminal Records Bill [HL]
  67. Data Protection (Independent Complaint) Bill [HL]
  68. Death by Dangerous Driving (Sentencing) Bill
  69. Decarbonisation and Economic Strategy Bill
  70. Decarbonisation of Road Transport (Audit) Bill
  71. Demonstrations (Abortion Clinics) Bill
  72. Department of Health (Northern Ireland) Bill [HL]
  73. Deregulation Bill
  74. Desecration of War Memorials Bill
  75. Devolution in England Bill [HL]
  76. Digital Economy Act 2017 (Commencement of Part 3) Bill [HL]
  77. Digitally Altered Body Images Bill
  78. Direct Payments to Farmers (Legislative Continuity) Act 2020
  79. Disabled Facilities Grants (Review) Bill
  80. Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020
  81. Divorce (Financial Provision) Bill [HL]
  82. Doctors and Nurses (Developing Countries) Bill
  83. Dogs and Domestic Animals (Accommodation and Protection) Bill
  84. Domestic Abuse Act 2021
  85. Domestic Energy (Value Added Tax) Bill
  86. Domestic Premises (Energy Performance) Bill [HL]
  87. Domestic Properties (Minimum Energy Performance) Bill
  88. Driving Offences (Amendment) Bill
  89. Driving Tests (Repayment of Test Fees) Bill
  90. Duchy of Cornwall Bill [HL]
  91. Duty to Plan for Terrorism (Consultation) Bill [HL]
  92. Education and Training (Welfare of Children) Act 2021
  93. Education (Assemblies) Bill [HL]
  94. Education Employment (Accompaniment to Hearings) Bill
  95. Education (Guidance about Costs of School Uniforms) Act 2021
  96. Election Candidates (All-ethnic-minority Shortlists) Bill
  97. Elections (Candidates’ Expenditure and Nominations) Bill [HL]
  98. Electoral Candidates (Age) Bill
  99. Electrical Safety (Online Sales) Bill
  100. Electric Vehicle Trading Scheme and Road Usage Duty (Consultation) Bill [HL]
  101. Electronic Cigarettes (Regulation) Bill
  102. Emissions Reduction (Local Authorities in London) Bill [HL]
  103. Employment (Dismissal and Re-employment) Bill
  104. Employment (Dismissal and Re-employment) (No. 2) Bill
  105. Employment (Reasonable Adjustments for Carers) Bill
  106. Environment Act 2021
  107. Environment (Regulation) Bill
  108. Equal Pay Bill [HL]
  109. Equal Pay (Information and Claims) Bill
  110. Essay Mills (Prohibition) Bill
  111. European Citizens’ Rights Bill
  112. European Union (Future Relationship) Act 2020
  113. European Union (Information, etc.) Bill [HL]
  114. European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020
  115. European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) (Extension) Bill
  116. European Union Withdrawal (Implementation Period) Bill
  117. Evictions (Universal Credit Claimants) Bill
  118. Extension of Franchise (House of Lords) Bill [HL]
  119. Extradition (Provisional Arrest) Act 2020
  120. Finance Act 2020
  121. Finance Act 2021
  122. Financial Services Act 2021
  123. Financial Services (Duty of Care) Bill [HL]
  124. Fire Safety Act 2021
  125. First-Aid (Mental Health) Bill
  126. Fisheries Act 2020
  127. Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 (Repeal) Bill [HL]
  128. Food Labelling (Environmental Sustainability) Bill
  129. Football (Regulation) Bill
  130. Foreign Nationals (Criminal Offender and Prisoner Removal) Bill
  131. Forensic Science Regulator Act 2021
  132. Freedom of Speech (Universities) Bill
  133. Free Trade (Education and Reporting) Bill
  134. Fur Trade (Prohibition) Bill
  135. Gaming Hardware (Automated Purchase and Resale) Bill
  136. Gaming Hardware (Automated Purchase and Resale) (No. 2) Bill
  137. Gender-based Pricing (Prohibition) Bill
  138. General Election (Leaders' Debates) Bill
  139. Genocide Determination Bill [HL]
  140. Goods and Services of UK Origin Bill
  141. Goods Mortgages Bill [HL]
  142. Green Belt Protection Bill
  143. Hares Preservation Bill [HL]
  144. Hate Crime (Misandry and Misogyny) Bill
  145. Hate Crime (Misogyny) Bill
  146. Healthcare (Local Accountability) Bill
  147. Hereditary Peerages and Baronetcies (Equality of Inheritance) Bill [HL]
  148. Heritage Railways and Tramways (Voluntary Work) Bill [HL]
  149. Higher Education Cheating Services Prohibition Bill [HL]
  150. Highgate Cemetery Act
  151. High Performance Vehicle Renting (Regulation) Bill
  152. High-rise Properties (Electrical Safety) Bill
  153. Homeless People (Current Accounts) Bill
  154. Hong Kong Bill
  155. Hospitals (Parking Charges and Business Rates) Bill
  156. House of Lords (Elections and Reform) Bill [HL]
  157. House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) (Abolition of By-Elections) Bill [HL]
  158. House of Lords (Removal of Bishops) Bill [HL]
  159. Houses in Multiple Occupation Bill
  160. Housing Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill
  161. Housing and Homelessness (Local Accommodation Duty) Bill
  162. Human Rights and Responsibilities Bill
  163. Human Trafficking (Child Protection) Bill
  164. Illegal Immigration (Offences) Bill
  165. Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Act 2020
  166. Immigration Control (Gross Human Rights Abuses) Bill [HL]
  167. Immigration (Health and Social Care Staff) Bill
  168. Inheritance Tax Act 1984 (Amendment) (Siblings) Bill [HL]
  169. International Development Assistance (Definition) Bill
  170. International Development (Women’s Sanitary Products) Bill
  171. International Payments (Audit) Bill
  172. Internet Access Bill
  173. Internet Access (Children Eligible for Free School Meals) Bill
  174. Isham Bypass Bill
  175. Jet Skis (Licensing) Bill
  176. Joint Committee on Nominations to the Supreme Court Bill [HL]
  177. Judicial Appointments and Retirements (Age Limits) Bill
  178. June Bank Holiday (Creation) Bill
  179. Landfill Sites (Odorous Emissions) Bill
  180. Local Authorities (Borrowing and Investment) Bill
  181. Local Authorities (Removal of Council Tax Restrictions) Bill
  182. Local Authorities (Transport Powers) Bill [HL]
  183. Local Electricity Bill
  184. Local Government (Governance) Bill
  185. Local Roads (Investment) Bill
  186. Local Welfare Assistance Provision (Review) Bill
  187. Magistrates (Retirement Age) Bill
  188. Mandatory Training on Learning Disabilities and Autism Bill [HL]
  189. Marriage Act 1949 (Amendment) Bill [HL]
  190. Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Bill [HL]
  191. Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) (No.2) Bill
  192. Marriage (Approved Organisations) Bill [HL]
  193. Marriage (Authorised Belief Organisations) Bill
  194. Meat (Grading and Labelling) Bill
  195. Medicines and Medical Devices Act 2021
  196. Mental Health Admissions (Data) Bill
  197. Ministerial and other Maternity Allowances Act 2021
  198. Ministerial Interests (Emergency Powers) Bill
  199. Mobile Homes Act 1983 (Amendment) Bill
  200. Mobile Homes and Park Homes Bill
  201. Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill [HL]
  202. Monken Hadley Common Act
  203. National Health Service (Co-Funding and Co-Payment) Bill
  204. National Health Service Expenditure Bill
  205. National Health Service Reserve Staff Bill
  206. National Minimum Wage Bill
  207. National Security and Investment Act 2021
  208. Net Zero Carbon Emissions (Audit) Bill
  209. New Homes (New Development Standards) Bill
  210. NHS 111 Service (Training and Clinical Oversight) Bill
  211. NHS Funding Act 2020
  212. NHS Pay Award (Report) Bill
  213. Non-Domestic Rating (Lists) Act 2021
  214. Non-Domestic Rating (Lists) Bill [HL]
  215. Non-Domestic Rating (Public Lavatories) Act 2021
  216. Non-gender-specific Passports Bill
  217. North Northamptonshire (Urgent Care Facilities) Bill
  218. Office for Science Quality Assessment Bill [HL]
  219. Office of the Whistleblower Bill [HL]
  220. Online Harms Reduction Regulator (Report) Bill [HL]
  221. Organ Tourism and Cadavers on Display Bill [HL]
  222. Overseas Development Assistance Committee Bill
  223. Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Act 2021
  224. Parliamentary Constituencies Act 2020
  225. Parliamentary Constituencies (Amendment) Bill
  226. Pavement Parking Bill [HL]
  227. Pedicabs (London) Bill
  228. Pensions (Amendment) Bill [HL]
  229. Pension Schemes Act 2021
  230. Period Products (Free Provision) Bill [HL]
  231. Petroleum (Amendment) Bill [HL]
  232. Pets (Microchips) Bill
  233. Pig Husbandry (Farrowing) Bill
  234. Planning (Local Authority Housing Developments) Bill
  235. Planning (Proper Maintenance of Land) Bill
  236. Plastic Pollution Bill
  237. Police Conduct (Operation Conifer) Bill [HL]
  238. Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022
  239. Police Stop and Search (Repeal) Bill
  240. Policing Resources Bill [HL]
  241. Pregnancy and Maternity (Redundancy Protection) Bill
  242. Prime Minister (Accountability to the House of Commons) Bill
  243. Prime Minister (Temporary Replacement) Bill
  244. Prisoners (Disclosure of Information About Victims) Act 2020
  245. Prisons (Substance Testing) Act 2021
  246. Private International Law (Implementation of Agreements) Act 2020
  247. Problem Drug Use Bill
  248. Property Boundaries (Resolution of Disputes) Bill [HL]
  249. Protest (Abortion Clinics) Bill
  250. Provision of Personal Care Bill [HL]
  251. Public Advocate Bill [HL]
  252. Public Advocate (No. 2) Bill
  253. Public Contracts (Modern Slavery) Bill [HL]
  254. Public Interest Disclosure (Protection) Bill
  255. Public Sector Exit Payments (Limitation) Bill
  256. Public Service Broadcasters (Privatisation) Bill
  257. Public Services (Availability) Bill
  258. Recall of MPs (Change of Party Affiliation) Bill
  259. Referendums Criteria Bill [HL]
  260. Refugees (Family Reunion) Bill [HL]
  261. Registers of Births and Deaths Bill
  262. Regulation of Political Opinion Polling Bill [HL]
  263. Remote Participation in House of Commons Proceedings (Motion) Bill
  264. Rented Homes Bill [HL]
  265. Right to Die at Home Bill [HL]
  266. Road Traffic Offences (Cycling) Bill [HL]
  267. Road User Charging (Outer London) Bill
  268. Rule of Law (Enforcement by Public Authorities) Bill
  269. School Admissions for Children Adopted from Overseas Bill [HL]
  270. School Breakfast Bill
  271. School Holiday Open Days Bill [HL]
  272. Schools Bill
  273. Schools (Mental Health and Wellbeing) Bill [HL]
  274. School Toilets (Access During Lessons) Bill
  275. Scottish Parliament (Disqualification of Members of the House of Commons) Bill
  276. Sentencing Act 2020
  277. Sentencing (Pre-consolidation Amendments) Act 2020
  278. Sentencing (Women) Bill
  279. Sewage (Inland Waters) Bill
  280. Sexual Exploitation Bill
  281. Sexual Offences (Sports Coaches) Bill
  282. Small Business Commissioner and Late Payments etc Bill [HL]
  283. Social Security (Up-rating of Benefits) Act 2020
  284. Speed Limits (England) Bill
  285. Stamp Duty Bill
  286. Stamp Duty Land Tax (Temporary Relief) Act 2020
  287. Storage Period for Gametes Bill [HL]
  288. Student Loans (Debt Discharge) Bill
  289. Student Loans (Debt Interest) Bill
  290. Sublet Property (Offences) Bill
  291. Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2020
  292. Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2021
  293. Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2020
  294. Supported Accommodation Bill
  295. Supported Housing (Regulation) Bill
  296. Taxation (Post-transition Period) Act 2020
  297. Tax Rates and Duties (Review) Bill
  298. Telecommunications Infrastructure (Leasehold Property) Act 2021
  299. Telecommunications (Security) Act 2021
  300. Terrorist Offenders (Restriction of Early Release) Act 2020
  301. Third Sector Organisations (Impact and Support) Bill
  302. Tibet (Reciprocal Access) Bill
  303. Tool Theft (Prevention) Bill
  304. Trade Act 2021
  305. Trade Agreements (Exclusion of National Health Services) Bill
  306. Trade (Disclosure of Information) Act 2020
  307. Traffic Management (Amendment) Bill [HL]
  308. Traffic Management (Approved Devices) Bill [HL]
  309. Tree-lined Streets Bill
  310. Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (Legal Advice and Appeals) Bill [HL]
  311. Unconscionable Conduct in Commerce Bill [HL]
  312. United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020
  313. Universal Credit Sanctions (Zero Hours Contracts) Bill
  314. Unpaid Work Experience (Prohibition) Bill [HL]
  315. Unpaid Work Experience (Prohibition) (No. 2) Bill
  316. Vagrancy (Repeal) Bill
  317. Value Added Tax Bill
  318. Vehicle Registration Offences (Penalty Points) Bill
  319. Victims of Abuse (Support) Bill
  320. Victims of Crime and Anti-social Behaviour, Etc (Rights, Entitlements and Related Matters) Bill
  321. Victims of Crime (Rights, Entitlements, and Notification of Child Sexual Abuse) Bill [HL]
  322. Video Gaming Health and Wellbeing Strategy Bill [HL]
  323. Virginity Testing (Prohibition) Bill
  324. Voter Registration Bill
  325. Welfare (Terminal Illness) Bill
  326. Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill [HL]
  327. Wellbeing of Future Generations (No. 2) Bill
  328. White Goods (Registration) Bill
  329. Windrush Compensation Scheme (Expenditure) Act 2020
  330. Workers (Definition and Rights) Bill
  331. Workforce Information Bill [HL]
  332. Working Time and Holiday Pay Bill
  333. Youth Courts and Sentencing Bill