- Access to Palliative Care and Treatment of Children Bill [HL]
- Age of Criminal Responsibility Bill [HL]
- Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Aircraft Bill [HL]
- Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Bill
- Armed Forces (Posthumous Pardons) Bill [HL]
- Automated Facial Recognition Technology (Moratorium and Review) Bill [HL]
- Certificate of Loss Bill [HL]
- Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill [HL]
- Criminal Records Bill [HL]
- Department of Health (Northern Ireland) Bill [HL]
- Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill [HL]
- Divorce (etc.) Law Review Bill [HL]
- Domestic Premises (Energy Performance) Bill [HL]
- Duchy of Cornwall Bill [HL]
- Duty to Plan for Terrorism (Consultation) Bill [HL]
- Early Parliamentary General Election Act 2019
- Elections (Candidates’ Expenditure and Nominations) Bill [HL]
- Emissions Reduction (Local Authorities in London) Bill [HL]
- Environment Bill
- European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill
- Extradition (Provisional Arrest) Bill [HL]
- Financial Services Duty of Care Bill [HL]
- Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 (Repeal) Bill [HL]
- Gambling Act 2005 (Amendment) Bill [HL]
- Gender Recognition Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill [HL]
- Genocide Determination Bill [HL]
- Goods Mortgages Bill [HL]
- Health Service Safety Investigations Bill [HL]
- Heritage Railways and Tramways (Voluntary Work) Bill [HL]
- Higher Education Cheating Services Prohibition Bill [HL]
- Historical Institutional Abuse (Northern Ireland) Act 2019
- Immigration Detention Bill [HL]
- Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill [HL]
- Northern Ireland Budget Act 2019
- Organ Tourism and Cadavers on Display Bill [HL]
- Pensions (Amendment) Bill [HL]
- Pension Schemes Bill [HL]
- Policing Resources Bill [HL]
- Prisoners (Disclosure of Information About Victims) Bill
- Referendums Criteria Bill [HL]
- Rented Homes Bill [HL]
- Right to Die at Home Bill [HL]
- Road Traffic Offences (Cycling) Bill [HL]
- School Admissions for Children Adopted from Overseas Bill [HL]
- Schools (Mental Health and Wellbeing) Bill [HL]
- Storage Period for Gametes Bill [HL]
- Telecommunications Infrastructure (Leasehold Property) Bill
- Traffic Management (Amendment) Bill [HL]
- Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (Legal Advice and Appeals) Bill [HL]
- Unconscionable Conduct in Commerce Bill [HL]
- Victims of Crime (Rights, Entitlements, and Notification of Child Sexual Abuse) Bill [HL]
- Video Gaming Health and Wellbeing Strategy Bill [HL]
- Well-being of Future Generations Bill [HL]