- Academies Act 2010
- Activity Centres (Young Persons' Safety) (Amendment) Bill
- Adoption (Leave, Pay and Allowance Arrangements) Bill
- Airports (Amendment) Bill [HL]
- Airport Security (People with Disabilities) Bill
- Alcohol Marketing Bill
- Anonymity (Arrested Persons) Bill
- Apprehension of Burglars Bill
- Apprenticeships and Skills (Public Procurement Contracts) Bill
- Appropriation Act 2011
- Appropriation (No. 3) Act 2010
- Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill [HL]
- Armed Forces Act 2011
- Armed Forces Charter Bill
- Armed Forces (Germany) Bill
- Armed Forces (Leave) Bill
- Autism (Quality Standards) Bill
- Bail (Amendment) Bill
- Banking and Financial Services (Community Investment) Bill
- Banking (Disclosure, Responsibility and Education) Bill
- Bank of Ireland (UK) plc
- BBC Licence Fee Payers (Voting Rights) Bill
- Betting Shops Bill
- Broadcasting (Public Service Content) Bill
- Broadcasting (Television Licence Fee Abolition) Bill
- Budget Responsibility and National Audit Act 2011
- Building Regulations (Review) Bill [HL]
- Caravan Sites Bill [HL]
- Carers and Employment Bill
- Carers (Identification and Support) Bill
- Charitable Healthcare Providers (Value Added Tax Relief) Bill
- Charities Act 2011
- Cheques Bill
- Child Benefit (Amendment) Bill
- Children (Access to Parents) Bill
- City of London (Various Powers) 2013
- Civil Aviation Act 2012
- Coinage (Measurement) Act 2011
- Common Fisheries Policy (Withdrawal) Bill
- Company Remuneration Bill [HL]
- Compensation (Limitation) Bill
- Concessionary Bus Travel (Amendment) Bill
- Consolidated Fund Act 2010
- Consumer Credit (Regulation and Advice) Bill
- Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012
- Consumer Protection (Postal Marketing) Bill
- Consumer Protection (Private Car Parks) Bill
- Contaminated Blood (Support for Infected and Bereaved Persons) Bill [HL]
- Co-Operative Housing Tenure Bill
- Corporate Tax Reductions Bill
- Council Housing (Local Financing Pathfinders) Bill
- Credit Regulation (Child Pornography) Bill
- Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill
- Criminal Records (Public Access) Bill
- Currency and Banknotes (Amendment) Bill
- Cycles (Protective Headgear for Children) Bill
- Dairy Farming Bill
- Dangerous and Reckless Cycling (Offences) Bill
- Dangerous Driving (Maximum Sentence) Bill
- Daylight Saving Bill
- Defamation Bill [HL]
- Demonstrations in the Vicinity of Parliament (Removal of Authorisation Requirements) Bill [HL]
- Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (Relocation to Sheffield) Bill
- Department for Communities and Local Government (Relocation to Liverpool) Bill
- Department for Culture, Media and Sport (Relocation to Manchester) Bill
- Department for Education (Relocation to Nottingham) Bill
- Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Relocation to Bristol) Bill
- Department for International Development (Relocation to Newcastle) Bill
- Department for Transport (Relocation to Birmingham) Bill
- Department for Work and Pensions (Relocation to Leeds) Bill
- Devolution (Time) Bill [HL]
- Devolved Administrations (Armed Forces Covenant Reports) Bill
- Diabetes Prevention (Soft Drinks) Bill
- Dog Control and Welfare Bill
- Dog Control Bill [HL]
- Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims (Amendment) Act 2012
- Drugs (Roadside Testing) Bill
- Education Act 2011
- Education and Training (Young People with Autism) Bill
- Education (Special Educational Needs) Bill
- Electoral Law (Amendment) Bill
- Electoral Register (Access to Public Services) Bill
- Elector Registration Bill
- Electricity Transmission (Protection of Landscape) Bill
- Electric Personal Vehicles (Use on Highways) Bill [HL]
- Employment Opportunities Bill
- Employment Retention Bill
- Energy Act 2011
- Energy Generation (Planning and Right to Invest) Bill
- English Police Forces Bill
- Epilepsy and Related Conditions (Education and Health Services) Bill
- Equality and Diversity (Reform) Bill
- Equitable Life (Payments) Act 2010
- Eradication of Slavery (UK Company Supply Chains) Bill
- Estates of Deceased Persons (Forfeiture Rule and Law of Succession) Act 2011
- European Communities Act 1972 (Repeal) Bill
- European Convention on Human Rights (Temporary Withdrawal) Bill
- European Convention on Human Rights (Withdrawal) Bill
- European Union Act 2011
- European Union Act 2011 (Amendment) Bill
- European Union Act 2011 (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill
- European Union (Audit of Benefits and Costs of UK Membership) Bill
- European Union (Exemption from Value Added Tax Regulation) Bill
- European Union (Freedom of Movement) (Amendment) Bill
- European Union Membership (Economic Implications) Bill [HL]
- European Union Membership (Referendum) Bill
- Export Credits Guarantee Department (Regulation and Reporting) Bill
- Face Coverings (Regulation) Bill
- Fee Charging Debt Management Companies (Promotion of Free Debt Management Advice) Bill
- Finance Act 2011
- Finance Act 2012
- Finance (No. 2) Act 2010
- Finance (No. 3) Act 2010
- Financial Institutions (Reform) Bill
- Financial Services Act 2012
- Financial Services (Regulation of Deposits and Lending) Bill
- Financial Services (Regulation of Derivatives) Bill
- Financial Services (Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts) Bill
- Firearms (Amendment) Bill
- Fire Safety (Protection of Tenants) Bill
- Fixed-Term Parliaments Act 2011
- Food Labelling Regulations (Amendment) Bill
- Food Waste Bill
- Football (Financial Transparency) Bill
- Foreign Prisoners (Repatriation) Bill
- Former Metal Mines Bill
- Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill
- Further and Higher Education (Access) Bill
- Gangmasters Licensing (Extension to Construction Industry) Bill
- Grandparents (Access Rights) Bill
- Health and Safety (Amendment) Bill
- Health and Safety at Work (Amendment) Bill
- Health and Safety Consultants (Qualifications) Bill
- Health and Social Care Act 2012
- High Pay Commission Bill
- Household Safety (Carbon Monoxide Detectors) Bill
- House of Commons Disqualification (Amendment) Bill
- House of Lords (Amendment) Bill [HL]
- Housing (Amendment) Bill
- Housing (Selective Licensing of Private Landlords in Exempted Areas) Bill
- Human Trafficking (Border Control) Bill
- Human Trafficking (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill [HL]
- Identity Documents Act 2010
- Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Import, Sale or Distribution) Bill
- Inheritance (Cohabitants) Bill [HL]
- Internet Regulation (Material Inciting Gang Violence) Bill
- Keeping of Primates as Pets (Prohibition) Bill
- Kinship Carers (Parental Responsibility Agreements) Bill
- Lawful Industrial Action (Minor Errors) Bill
- Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012
- Legislation (Territorial Extent) Bill
- Lip-Reading Bill
- Live Music Act 2012
- Loans to Ireland Act 2010
- Local Government Act 2010
- Local Government (Amendment) Bill
- Local Government Finance Act 2012
- Local Government Finance (Amendment) Bill
- Local Government Finance (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill
- Local Government (Review of Decisions) Bill formerly known as the Local Government Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill
- Localism Act 2011
- Local Referendums Bill
- London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (Amendment) Act 2011
- Low Hazard Workplaces (Risk Assessment Exemption) Bill
- Magna Carta Anniversary (Bank Holiday) Bill
- Marine Navigation Aids Bill [HL]
- Marine Navigation Bill [HL]
- Master’s Degrees (Minimum Standards) Bill
- Medical Insurance (Pensioner Tax Relief) Bill
- Medical Insurance (Tax Relief) Bill
- Members of Parliament (Change of Political Party Affiliation) Bill
- Mental Health (Discrimination) Bill [HL]
- Metal Theft (Prevention) Bill
- Minimum Wage (Amendment) Bill
- Ministerial and Other Pensions and Salaries (Amendment) Bill
- Motor Insurance Regulation Bill
- National Curriculum (Emergency Life Support Skills) Bill
- National Debt Cap Bill
- National Health Service Redress (Amendment) Bill
- National Health Service (Right to Treatment) Bill
- National Insurance Contributions Act 2011
- National Park Authorities Bill
- National Service Bill
- NHS Acute Medical and Surgical Services (Working Time Directive) Bill
- Offshore Gambling (Licensing) Bill
- Online Safety Bill [HL]
- Onshore Wind Turbines (Proximity of Habitation) Bill
- Park Homes (Site Owner Licensing) Bill
- Parliament (Amendment) Bill
- Parliament (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill
- Parliamentary Standards (Amendment) Bill
- Parliamentary Standards (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill
- Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Act 2011
- Parliament Square (Management) Bill [HL]
- Passive Flue Gas Systems (Strategy) Bill
- Pensions Act 2011
- Planning Applications (Appeals by Town and Parish Councils) Bill
- Planning (Developer Bonds) Bill
- Planning (Grade 1 Agricultural Land Protection) Bill
- Planning (Green Belt Protection) Bill
- Planning (Opencast Mining Separation Zones) Bill
- Police (Detention and Bail) Act 2011
- Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011
- Police Terms and Conditions of Service (Redundancy) Bill
- Postal Services Act 2011
- Prevention of Terrorism Bill
- Private Landlords (Register and Duties) Bill
- Private Pensions (Charges, Disclosure and Accountability) Bill
- Protection of Bowling Greens (Development Control) Bill
- Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
- Protection of Local Services (Planning) Bill
- Provision of Hydration and Nutrition for the Terminally Ill Bill
- Public Bodies Act 2011
- Public Bodies (Disposal of Assets) Bill
- Public Bodies (Sustainable Food) Bill
- Public Festivals, Holidays and Commemorations Bill
- Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 (Amendment) Bill
- Public Sector Bonuses Bill
- Public Sector Salaries Bill
- Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012
- Recall of Elected Representatives Bill
- Recall of Elected Representatives (No. 2) Bill
- Re-Export Controls Bill [HL]
- Referendum (European Union) Bill [HL]
- Referendums Bill
- Registration of Commercial Lobbying Interests Bill
- Regulatory Authorities (Level of Charges) Bill
- Rehabilitation of Offenders (Amendment) Bill [HL]
- Remembrance Day (Bank Holiday) Bill
- Remembrance Sunday (Closure of Shops) Bill [HL]
- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation Bill
- Residential Roads (Adoption by Local Authorities) Bill
- Resource Extraction (Transparency and Reporting) Bill
- Return of Asylum Seekers (Applications from Certain Countries) Bill
- Rights Bill
- Road Safety Bill
- Road Safety (No. 2) Bill
- Road Safety (No. 3) Bill
- Road Traffic Accident (Personal Injury) (Amendment) Bill
- Royal Commission (London) Bill
- Safe Standing (Football Stadia) Bill
- Safety of Medicines Bill
- Sale of Park Homes Bill
- Sale of Tickets (Sporting and Cultural Events) Bill
- Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant Act 2010
- Scotland Act 2012
- Scrap Metal Dealers (Amendment) Bill [HL]
- Secured Lending Reform Bill
- Self-Employment (Risk Assessment Exemption) Bill
- Sentencing (Reform) Bill
- Sex and Relationships Education Bill
- Sex Education (Required Content) Bill
- Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill
- Shared Parenting Orders Bill
- Small Business Administration Bill
- Smoke-free Private Vehicles Bill [HL]
- Smoking in Private Vehicles Bill
- Snow Clearance Bill
- Social Care Portability Bill [HL]
- Sovereign Grant Act 2011
- Special Urban Development Zones Bill
- Sports Grounds Safety Authority Act 2011
- Statements of Taxation Bill
- St George's Day and St David's Day Bill
- Subterranean Development Bill [HL]
- Succession to the Crown Bill
- Suicide (Prevention) Bill
- Sunday Trading (Amendment) Bill
- Sunday Trading (London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games) Act 2012
- Superannuation Act 2010
- Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2012
- Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2011
- Support and Protection for Elderly People and Adults at Risk of Abuse Bill
- Surrogate Parents (Leave, Pay and Allowance Arrangements) Bill
- Sustainable Energy (Local Plans) Bill
- Sustainable Livestock Bill
- Tax and Financial Transparency Bill
- Taxation Freedom Day Bill
- Tax Refunds Regulation (Review) Bill
- Television and Radio Advertising (Credit and Debt Management Services) Bill
- Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Act 2011
- Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Act 2010
- Tied Public Houses (Code of Practice) Bill
- Torture (Damages) Bill [HL]
- Training Wage Bill
- Transparent Taxation (Receipts) Bill
- Transport for London Act 2016
- Travellers (Unauthorised Encampments) Bill
- Tribunals (Maximum Compensation Awards) Bill
- Trusts (Capital and Income) Act 2013
- United Kingdom Bioethanol Industry Bill
- United Kingdom Parliamentary Sovereignty Bill
- University of Wales:Trinity Saint David Bill
- Use of Powered Wheelchairs (Weight and Age Limit) Bill
- Victims of Crime (Code of Practice) Bill
- Volunteering Bill
- Waste Recycling (End Use Register) Bill
- Water Industry (Financial Assistance) Act 2012
- Welfare Reform Act 2012
- Wind Turbines (Minimum Distances from Residential Premises) Bill [HL]
- Wreck Removal Convention Act 2011
- Young Offenders (Parental Responsibility) Bill
- Youth Employment Bill