Bill papers

Session 1 of the 55th Parliament

  1. Academies Act 2010
  2. Activity Centres (Young Persons' Safety) (Amendment) Bill
  3. Adoption (Leave, Pay and Allowance Arrangements) Bill
  4. Airports (Amendment) Bill [HL]
  5. Airport Security (People with Disabilities) Bill
  6. Alcohol Marketing Bill
  7. Anonymity (Arrested Persons) Bill
  8. Apprehension of Burglars Bill
  9. Apprenticeships and Skills (Public Procurement Contracts) Bill
  10. Appropriation Act 2011
  11. Appropriation (No. 3) Act 2010
  12. Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill [HL]
  13. Armed Forces Act 2011
  14. Armed Forces Charter Bill
  15. Armed Forces (Germany) Bill
  16. Armed Forces (Leave) Bill
  17. Autism (Quality Standards) Bill
  18. Bail (Amendment) Bill
  19. Banking and Financial Services (Community Investment) Bill
  20. Banking (Disclosure, Responsibility and Education) Bill
  21. Bank of Ireland (UK) plc
  22. BBC Licence Fee Payers (Voting Rights) Bill
  23. Betting Shops Bill
  24. Broadcasting (Public Service Content) Bill
  25. Broadcasting (Television Licence Fee Abolition) Bill
  26. Budget Responsibility and National Audit Act 2011
  27. Building Regulations (Review) Bill [HL]
  28. Caravan Sites Bill [HL]
  29. Carers and Employment Bill
  30. Carers (Identification and Support) Bill
  31. Charitable Healthcare Providers (Value Added Tax Relief) Bill
  32. Charities Act 2011
  33. Cheques Bill
  34. Child Benefit (Amendment) Bill
  35. Children (Access to Parents) Bill
  36. City of London (Various Powers) 2013
  37. Civil Aviation Act 2012
  38. Coinage (Measurement) Act 2011
  39. Common Fisheries Policy (Withdrawal) Bill
  40. Company Remuneration Bill [HL]
  41. Compensation (Limitation) Bill
  42. Concessionary Bus Travel (Amendment) Bill
  43. Consolidated Fund Act 2010
  44. Consumer Credit (Regulation and Advice) Bill
  45. Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012
  46. Consumer Protection (Postal Marketing) Bill
  47. Consumer Protection (Private Car Parks) Bill
  48. Contaminated Blood (Support for Infected and Bereaved Persons) Bill [HL]
  49. Co-Operative Housing Tenure Bill
  50. Corporate Tax Reductions Bill
  51. Council Housing (Local Financing Pathfinders) Bill
  52. Credit Regulation (Child Pornography) Bill
  53. Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill
  54. Criminal Records (Public Access) Bill
  55. Currency and Banknotes (Amendment) Bill
  56. Cycles (Protective Headgear for Children) Bill
  57. Dairy Farming Bill
  58. Dangerous and Reckless Cycling (Offences) Bill
  59. Dangerous Driving (Maximum Sentence) Bill
  60. Daylight Saving Bill
  61. Defamation Bill [HL]
  62. Demonstrations in the Vicinity of Parliament (Removal of Authorisation Requirements) Bill [HL]
  63. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (Relocation to Sheffield) Bill
  64. Department for Communities and Local Government (Relocation to Liverpool) Bill
  65. Department for Culture, Media and Sport (Relocation to Manchester) Bill
  66. Department for Education (Relocation to Nottingham) Bill
  67. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Relocation to Bristol) Bill
  68. Department for International Development (Relocation to Newcastle) Bill
  69. Department for Transport (Relocation to Birmingham) Bill
  70. Department for Work and Pensions (Relocation to Leeds) Bill
  71. Devolution (Time) Bill [HL]
  72. Devolved Administrations (Armed Forces Covenant Reports) Bill
  73. Diabetes Prevention (Soft Drinks) Bill
  74. Dog Control and Welfare Bill
  75. Dog Control Bill [HL]
  76. Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims (Amendment) Act 2012
  77. Drugs (Roadside Testing) Bill
  78. Education Act 2011
  79. Education and Training (Young People with Autism) Bill
  80. Education (Special Educational Needs) Bill
  81. Electoral Law (Amendment) Bill
  82. Electoral Register (Access to Public Services) Bill
  83. Elector Registration Bill
  84. Electricity Transmission (Protection of Landscape) Bill
  85. Electric Personal Vehicles (Use on Highways) Bill [HL]
  86. Employment Opportunities Bill
  87. Employment Retention Bill
  88. Energy Act 2011
  89. Energy Generation (Planning and Right to Invest) Bill
  90. English Police Forces Bill
  91. Epilepsy and Related Conditions (Education and Health Services) Bill
  92. Equality and Diversity (Reform) Bill
  93. Equitable Life (Payments) Act 2010
  94. Eradication of Slavery (UK Company Supply Chains) Bill
  95. Estates of Deceased Persons (Forfeiture Rule and Law of Succession) Act 2011
  96. European Communities Act 1972 (Repeal) Bill
  97. European Convention on Human Rights (Temporary Withdrawal) Bill
  98. European Convention on Human Rights (Withdrawal) Bill
  99. European Union Act 2011
  100. European Union Act 2011 (Amendment) Bill
  101. European Union Act 2011 (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill
  102. European Union (Audit of Benefits and Costs of UK Membership) Bill
  103. European Union (Exemption from Value Added Tax Regulation) Bill
  104. European Union (Freedom of Movement) (Amendment) Bill
  105. European Union Membership (Economic Implications) Bill [HL]
  106. European Union Membership (Referendum) Bill
  107. Export Credits Guarantee Department (Regulation and Reporting) Bill
  108. Face Coverings (Regulation) Bill
  109. Fee Charging Debt Management Companies (Promotion of Free Debt Management Advice) Bill
  110. Finance Act 2011
  111. Finance Act 2012
  112. Finance (No. 2) Act 2010
  113. Finance (No. 3) Act 2010
  114. Financial Institutions (Reform) Bill
  115. Financial Services Act 2012
  116. Financial Services (Regulation of Deposits and Lending) Bill
  117. Financial Services (Regulation of Derivatives) Bill
  118. Financial Services (Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts) Bill
  119. Firearms (Amendment) Bill
  120. Fire Safety (Protection of Tenants) Bill
  121. Fixed-Term Parliaments Act 2011
  122. Food Labelling Regulations (Amendment) Bill
  123. Food Waste Bill
  124. Football (Financial Transparency) Bill
  125. Foreign Prisoners (Repatriation) Bill
  126. Former Metal Mines Bill
  127. Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill
  128. Further and Higher Education (Access) Bill
  129. Gangmasters Licensing (Extension to Construction Industry) Bill
  130. Grandparents (Access Rights) Bill
  131. Health and Safety (Amendment) Bill
  132. Health and Safety at Work (Amendment) Bill
  133. Health and Safety Consultants (Qualifications) Bill
  134. Health and Social Care Act 2012
  135. High Pay Commission Bill
  136. Household Safety (Carbon Monoxide Detectors) Bill
  137. House of Commons Disqualification (Amendment) Bill
  138. House of Lords (Amendment) Bill [HL]
  139. Housing (Amendment) Bill
  140. Housing (Selective Licensing of Private Landlords in Exempted Areas) Bill
  141. Human Trafficking (Border Control) Bill
  142. Human Trafficking (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill [HL]
  143. Identity Documents Act 2010
  144. Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Import, Sale or Distribution) Bill
  145. Inheritance (Cohabitants) Bill [HL]
  146. Internet Regulation (Material Inciting Gang Violence) Bill
  147. Keeping of Primates as Pets (Prohibition) Bill
  148. Kinship Carers (Parental Responsibility Agreements) Bill
  149. Lawful Industrial Action (Minor Errors) Bill
  150. Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012
  151. Legislation (Territorial Extent) Bill
  152. Lip-Reading Bill
  153. Live Music Act 2012
  154. Loans to Ireland Act 2010
  155. Local Government Act 2010
  156. Local Government (Amendment) Bill
  157. Local Government Finance Act 2012
  158. Local Government Finance (Amendment) Bill
  159. Local Government Finance (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill
  160. Local Government (Review of Decisions) Bill formerly known as the Local Government Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill
  161. Localism Act 2011
  162. Local Referendums Bill
  163. London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (Amendment) Act 2011
  164. Low Hazard Workplaces (Risk Assessment Exemption) Bill
  165. Magna Carta Anniversary (Bank Holiday) Bill
  166. Marine Navigation Aids Bill [HL]
  167. Marine Navigation Bill [HL]
  168. Master’s Degrees (Minimum Standards) Bill
  169. Medical Insurance (Pensioner Tax Relief) Bill
  170. Medical Insurance (Tax Relief) Bill
  171. Members of Parliament (Change of Political Party Affiliation) Bill
  172. Mental Health (Discrimination) Bill [HL]
  173. Metal Theft (Prevention) Bill
  174. Minimum Wage (Amendment) Bill
  175. Ministerial and Other Pensions and Salaries (Amendment) Bill
  176. Motor Insurance Regulation Bill
  177. National Curriculum (Emergency Life Support Skills) Bill
  178. National Debt Cap Bill
  179. National Health Service Redress (Amendment) Bill
  180. National Health Service (Right to Treatment) Bill
  181. National Insurance Contributions Act 2011
  182. National Park Authorities Bill
  183. National Service Bill
  184. NHS Acute Medical and Surgical Services (Working Time Directive) Bill
  185. Offshore Gambling (Licensing) Bill
  186. Online Safety Bill [HL]
  187. Onshore Wind Turbines (Proximity of Habitation) Bill
  188. Park Homes (Site Owner Licensing) Bill
  189. Parliament (Amendment) Bill
  190. Parliament (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill
  191. Parliamentary Standards (Amendment) Bill
  192. Parliamentary Standards (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill
  193. Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Act 2011
  194. Parliament Square (Management) Bill [HL]
  195. Passive Flue Gas Systems (Strategy) Bill
  196. Pensions Act 2011
  197. Planning Applications (Appeals by Town and Parish Councils) Bill
  198. Planning (Developer Bonds) Bill
  199. Planning (Grade 1 Agricultural Land Protection) Bill
  200. Planning (Green Belt Protection) Bill
  201. Planning (Opencast Mining Separation Zones) Bill
  202. Police (Detention and Bail) Act 2011
  203. Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011
  204. Police Terms and Conditions of Service (Redundancy) Bill
  205. Postal Services Act 2011
  206. Prevention of Terrorism Bill
  207. Private Landlords (Register and Duties) Bill
  208. Private Pensions (Charges, Disclosure and Accountability) Bill
  209. Protection of Bowling Greens (Development Control) Bill
  210. Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
  211. Protection of Local Services (Planning) Bill
  212. Provision of Hydration and Nutrition for the Terminally Ill Bill
  213. Public Bodies Act 2011
  214. Public Bodies (Disposal of Assets) Bill
  215. Public Bodies (Sustainable Food) Bill
  216. Public Festivals, Holidays and Commemorations Bill
  217. Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 (Amendment) Bill
  218. Public Sector Bonuses Bill
  219. Public Sector Salaries Bill
  220. Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012
  221. Recall of Elected Representatives Bill
  222. Recall of Elected Representatives (No. 2) Bill
  223. Re-Export Controls Bill [HL]
  224. Referendum (European Union) Bill [HL]
  225. Referendums Bill
  226. Registration of Commercial Lobbying Interests Bill
  227. Regulatory Authorities (Level of Charges) Bill
  228. Rehabilitation of Offenders (Amendment) Bill [HL]
  229. Remembrance Day (Bank Holiday) Bill
  230. Remembrance Sunday (Closure of Shops) Bill [HL]
  231. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation Bill
  232. Residential Roads (Adoption by Local Authorities) Bill
  233. Resource Extraction (Transparency and Reporting) Bill
  234. Return of Asylum Seekers (Applications from Certain Countries) Bill
  235. Rights Bill
  236. Road Safety Bill
  237. Road Safety (No. 2) Bill
  238. Road Safety (No. 3) Bill
  239. Road Traffic Accident (Personal Injury) (Amendment) Bill
  240. Royal Commission (London) Bill
  241. Safe Standing (Football Stadia) Bill
  242. Safety of Medicines Bill
  243. Sale of Park Homes Bill
  244. Sale of Tickets (Sporting and Cultural Events) Bill
  245. Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant Act 2010
  246. Scotland Act 2012
  247. Scrap Metal Dealers (Amendment) Bill [HL]
  248. Secured Lending Reform Bill
  249. Self-Employment (Risk Assessment Exemption) Bill
  250. Sentencing (Reform) Bill
  251. Sex and Relationships Education Bill
  252. Sex Education (Required Content) Bill
  253. Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill
  254. Shared Parenting Orders Bill
  255. Small Business Administration Bill
  256. Smoke-free Private Vehicles Bill [HL]
  257. Smoking in Private Vehicles Bill
  258. Snow Clearance Bill
  259. Social Care Portability Bill [HL]
  260. Sovereign Grant Act 2011
  261. Special Urban Development Zones Bill
  262. Sports Grounds Safety Authority Act 2011
  263. Statements of Taxation Bill
  264. St George's Day and St David's Day Bill
  265. Subterranean Development Bill [HL]
  266. Succession to the Crown Bill
  267. Suicide (Prevention) Bill
  268. Sunday Trading (Amendment) Bill
  269. Sunday Trading (London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games) Act 2012
  270. Superannuation Act 2010
  271. Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2012
  272. Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2011
  273. Support and Protection for Elderly People and Adults at Risk of Abuse Bill
  274. Surrogate Parents (Leave, Pay and Allowance Arrangements) Bill
  275. Sustainable Energy (Local Plans) Bill
  276. Sustainable Livestock Bill
  277. Tax and Financial Transparency Bill
  278. Taxation Freedom Day Bill
  279. Tax Refunds Regulation (Review) Bill
  280. Television and Radio Advertising (Credit and Debt Management Services) Bill
  281. Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Act 2011
  282. Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Act 2010
  283. Tied Public Houses (Code of Practice) Bill
  284. Torture (Damages) Bill [HL]
  285. Training Wage Bill
  286. Transparent Taxation (Receipts) Bill
  287. Transport for London Act 2016
  288. Travellers (Unauthorised Encampments) Bill
  289. Tribunals (Maximum Compensation Awards) Bill
  290. Trusts (Capital and Income) Act 2013
  291. United Kingdom Bioethanol Industry Bill
  292. United Kingdom Parliamentary Sovereignty Bill
  293. University of Wales:Trinity Saint David Bill
  294. Use of Powered Wheelchairs (Weight and Age Limit) Bill
  295. Victims of Crime (Code of Practice) Bill
  296. Volunteering Bill
  297. Waste Recycling (End Use Register) Bill
  298. Water Industry (Financial Assistance) Act 2012
  299. Welfare Reform Act 2012
  300. Wind Turbines (Minimum Distances from Residential Premises) Bill [HL]
  301. Wreck Removal Convention Act 2011
  302. Young Offenders (Parental Responsibility) Bill
  303. Youth Employment Bill