Bill papers

Session 4 of the 54th Parliament

  1. Airport Expansion (Parliamentary Approval) Bill
  2. Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning
  3. Appropriation Act 2009
  4. Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2009
  5. Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day Bill
  6. Autism
  7. Bailiffs (Repeals and Amendment) Bill
  8. Bankers' Pensions (Limits) Bill
  9. Banking (No. 2) Bill [HL]
  10. Bank of England (Amendment) Bill [HL]
  11. Beverley Freemen
  12. Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009
  13. British Museum Act 1963 (Amendment) Bill
  14. Broadcasting (Public Service Content) Bill
  15. Broadcasting (Television Licence Fee Abolition) Bill
  16. Business Rate Supplements Act 2009
  17. Care Homes (Domestic Pets) Bill
  18. Cervical Cancer (Minimum Age for Screening) Bill
  19. Cheapest Energy Tariff (Information) Bill
  20. Child Poverty Act 2010
  21. Children in Care (Custody) Bill
  22. Citizens' Convention (Accountability and Ethics) Bill
  23. City of Westminster Bill [HL]
  24. Climate Change (Sectoral Targets) Bill
  25. Closed Circuit Television (Monitoring and Promotion) Bill
  26. Cohabitation Bill [HL]
  27. Cohabitation (No. 2) Bill
  28. Commission for the Compact Bill
  29. Common Land and Repeal of Inclosure Acts Bill
  30. Community Amateur Sports Clubs (Support) Bill [HL]
  31. Companies’ Remuneration Reports Bill [HL]
  32. Consolidated Fund Act 2008
  33. Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010
  34. Constitutional Reform Bill [HL]
  35. Constitutional Renewal Bill [HL]
  36. Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Credit Unions Bill
  37. Coroners and Justice
  38. Corporation Tax Act
  39. Council Tax Rebate Bill
  40. Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (Review) Bill
  41. Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill
  42. Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) Bill
  43. Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Bill
  44. Developing Country Debt (Restriction of Recovery) Bill
  45. Disabled Persons (Independent Living) Bill [HL]
  46. Dog Control Bill [HL]
  47. Driving Instruction (Suspension and Exemption Powers)
  48. Drugs (Roadside Testing) Bill
  49. Employers’ Liability Insurance Bureau Bill
  50. Employment Opportunities Bill
  51. Employment Retention Bill
  52. Employment Rights Bill
  53. Equalisation of Tariffs for Gas and Electricity Bill
  54. Equality Act 2010
  55. Equality and Diversity (Reform) Bill
  56. Equal Pay and Flexible Working Bill [HL]
  57. European Union (Audit of Benefits and Costs of UK Membership) Bill
  58. Exercise of Reasonable Discretion Bill
  59. Finance Act 2009
  60. Food Labelling (Nutrition and Health) Bill
  61. Food Labelling Regulations (Amendment) Bill
  62. Forces Widows Pensions (Equality of Treatment) Bill
  63. Fuel Poverty Bill
  64. Fuel Poverty (No.2) Bill
  65. Gangmasters Licensing Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill
  66. Geneva Conventions and United Nations Personnel (Protocols) Act
  67. Goalpost Safety Bill
  68. Government of Cornwall Bill
  69. Green Energy (Definition and Promotion)
  70. Health
  71. Holocaust (Return of Cultural Objects)
  72. Home Repossession (Protection) Bill
  73. House of Lords Bill [HL]
  74. House of Lords (Members' Taxation Status) Bill [HL]
  75. Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning Of Public Authority) Bill
  76. Hydrofluorocarbons Limitation Bill
  77. Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition Of Sale) Bill
  78. Industrial Carbon Emissions (Targets) Bill
  79. Industry and Exports (Financial Support) Act
  80. Insolvency (Provision of Information to Employment Agencies) Bill
  81. Installation of Letter Box Guards (Protection from Dogs) Bill
  82. Land Use (Gardens Protection Etc) Bill
  83. Law Commission
  84. Leaseholders Rights Bill
  85. Lending (Regulation) Bill
  86. Live Music Bill [HL]
  87. Local Democracy
  88. Local Employment Bill
  89. Local Health Services and Democratic Involvement Bill
  90. Local Planning Authorities (Protection of Local Services) Bill
  91. Marine Accident Investigation Branch (Reports) Bill
  92. Marine and Coastal Access
  93. Marine Navigation Aids Bill [HL]
  94. Maximum Wage Bill
  95. Media Owners (Residency Requirement) Bill
  96. Mobile Network Roaming Capabilities Bill
  97. Motor Vehicle (Climate change information) Bill
  98. Northern Ireland Act
  99. Online Purchasing of Goods and Services (Age Verification) Bill [HL]
  100. Onshore Wind Turbines (Proximity of Habitation) Bill
  101. Organ Donation (Presumed Consent) Bill
  102. Palliative Care Bill
  103. Parliamentary Commissions of Inquiry Bill
  104. Parliamentary Elections (Recall and Primaries) Bill
  105. Parliamentary Standards
  106. Parliament (Disclosure of Information) Bill
  107. Pedlars (Amendment) Bill
  108. Pension Credit and Personal Expense Allowance (Duty of Consultation and Review) Bill
  109. Perpetuities and Accumulations
  110. Personal Responsibility Bill
  111. Pharmaceutical Labelling (Warning Of Cognitive Function Impairment) Bill
  112. Policing and Crime
  113. Postal Services Bill [HL]
  114. Presumption of Death Bill
  115. Prevention of Excessive Charges Bill
  116. Programming of Bills (Suspension) Bill
  117. Protection of Children (Encrypted Material) Bill
  118. Protection of Children (Publicity) Bill
  119. Protection of Elderly People (Unsolicited Mail) Bill
  120. Protection of Garden Land (Development Control) Bill
  121. Protection of Shareholders Bill
  122. Public Buildings (Publication of Energy Performance Certificates) Bill
  123. Public Transport (Reward Scheme and Concessionary Fares) Bill
  124. Queen's Diamond Jubilee Bill
  125. Registration of Births and Deaths (Welsh Language) Bill
  126. Renewable Content Obligation Bill
  127. Rentcharges (Notification) Bill
  128. Road Signs (Tourist Destinations and Facilities) Bill
  129. Royal Marriages and Succession to the Crown (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill
  130. Safety Of Medicines (Evaluation) Bill
  131. Sale of Mobile Homes (Interview) Bill
  132. Saving Gateway Accounts Act
  133. School Bus (Safety) Bill
  134. Schools (Health Support) Bill
  135. Scottish Banknotes (Acceptability in United Kingdom) Bill
  136. Short Selling and Bank Accounts Bill
  137. Small Business Rate Relief (Automatic Payment) Bill
  138. Sovereignty Of Parliament (European Communities) Bill
  139. Special Educational Needs and Disability (Support) Bill
  140. Sports Grounds Safety Authority Bill [HL]
  141. Statutory Redundancy Pay (Amendment) Bill
  142. Surface Water and Highway Drainage Charges (Exemption) Bill
  143. Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill
  144. Sustainable Energy (Local Plans) Bill
  145. Teaching of British History in Schools Bill
  146. Theft from Shops (Use of Penalty Notices for Disorder) Bill
  147. Torture (Damages) Bill [HL]
  148. Torture (Damages) (No. 2) Bill
  149. Waste Recycling (End Use Register) Bill
  150. Welfare Reform
  151. Young People Leaving Care (Accommodation) Bill