- Airport Expansion (Parliamentary Approval) Bill
- Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning
- Appropriation Act 2009
- Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2009
- Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day Bill
- Autism
- Bailiffs (Repeals and Amendment) Bill
- Bankers' Pensions (Limits) Bill
- Banking (No. 2) Bill [HL]
- Bank of England (Amendment) Bill [HL]
- Beverley Freemen
- Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009
- British Museum Act 1963 (Amendment) Bill
- Broadcasting (Public Service Content) Bill
- Broadcasting (Television Licence Fee Abolition) Bill
- Business Rate Supplements Act 2009
- Care Homes (Domestic Pets) Bill
- Cervical Cancer (Minimum Age for Screening) Bill
- Cheapest Energy Tariff (Information) Bill
- Child Poverty Act 2010
- Children in Care (Custody) Bill
- Citizens' Convention (Accountability and Ethics) Bill
- City of Westminster Bill [HL]
- Climate Change (Sectoral Targets) Bill
- Closed Circuit Television (Monitoring and Promotion) Bill
- Cohabitation Bill [HL]
- Cohabitation (No. 2) Bill
- Commission for the Compact Bill
- Common Land and Repeal of Inclosure Acts Bill
- Community Amateur Sports Clubs (Support) Bill [HL]
- Companies’ Remuneration Reports Bill [HL]
- Consolidated Fund Act 2008
- Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010
- Constitutional Reform Bill [HL]
- Constitutional Renewal Bill [HL]
- Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Credit Unions Bill
- Coroners and Justice
- Corporation Tax Act
- Council Tax Rebate Bill
- Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (Review) Bill
- Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill
- Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) Bill
- Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Bill
- Developing Country Debt (Restriction of Recovery) Bill
- Disabled Persons (Independent Living) Bill [HL]
- Dog Control Bill [HL]
- Driving Instruction (Suspension and Exemption Powers)
- Drugs (Roadside Testing) Bill
- Employers’ Liability Insurance Bureau Bill
- Employment Opportunities Bill
- Employment Retention Bill
- Employment Rights Bill
- Equalisation of Tariffs for Gas and Electricity Bill
- Equality Act 2010
- Equality and Diversity (Reform) Bill
- Equal Pay and Flexible Working Bill [HL]
- European Union (Audit of Benefits and Costs of UK Membership) Bill
- Exercise of Reasonable Discretion Bill
- Finance Act 2009
- Food Labelling (Nutrition and Health) Bill
- Food Labelling Regulations (Amendment) Bill
- Forces Widows Pensions (Equality of Treatment) Bill
- Fuel Poverty Bill
- Fuel Poverty (No.2) Bill
- Gangmasters Licensing Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill
- Geneva Conventions and United Nations Personnel (Protocols) Act
- Goalpost Safety Bill
- Government of Cornwall Bill
- Green Energy (Definition and Promotion)
- Health
- Holocaust (Return of Cultural Objects)
- Home Repossession (Protection) Bill
- House of Lords Bill [HL]
- House of Lords (Members' Taxation Status) Bill [HL]
- Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning Of Public Authority) Bill
- Hydrofluorocarbons Limitation Bill
- Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition Of Sale) Bill
- Industrial Carbon Emissions (Targets) Bill
- Industry and Exports (Financial Support) Act
- Insolvency (Provision of Information to Employment Agencies) Bill
- Installation of Letter Box Guards (Protection from Dogs) Bill
- Land Use (Gardens Protection Etc) Bill
- Law Commission
- Leaseholders Rights Bill
- Lending (Regulation) Bill
- Live Music Bill [HL]
- Local Democracy
- Local Employment Bill
- Local Health Services and Democratic Involvement Bill
- Local Planning Authorities (Protection of Local Services) Bill
- Marine Accident Investigation Branch (Reports) Bill
- Marine and Coastal Access
- Marine Navigation Aids Bill [HL]
- Maximum Wage Bill
- Media Owners (Residency Requirement) Bill
- Mobile Network Roaming Capabilities Bill
- Motor Vehicle (Climate change information) Bill
- Northern Ireland Act
- Online Purchasing of Goods and Services (Age Verification) Bill [HL]
- Onshore Wind Turbines (Proximity of Habitation) Bill
- Organ Donation (Presumed Consent) Bill
- Palliative Care Bill
- Parliamentary Commissions of Inquiry Bill
- Parliamentary Elections (Recall and Primaries) Bill
- Parliamentary Standards
- Parliament (Disclosure of Information) Bill
- Pedlars (Amendment) Bill
- Pension Credit and Personal Expense Allowance (Duty of Consultation and Review) Bill
- Perpetuities and Accumulations
- Personal Responsibility Bill
- Pharmaceutical Labelling (Warning Of Cognitive Function Impairment) Bill
- Policing and Crime
- Postal Services Bill [HL]
- Presumption of Death Bill
- Prevention of Excessive Charges Bill
- Programming of Bills (Suspension) Bill
- Protection of Children (Encrypted Material) Bill
- Protection of Children (Publicity) Bill
- Protection of Elderly People (Unsolicited Mail) Bill
- Protection of Garden Land (Development Control) Bill
- Protection of Shareholders Bill
- Public Buildings (Publication of Energy Performance Certificates) Bill
- Public Transport (Reward Scheme and Concessionary Fares) Bill
- Queen's Diamond Jubilee Bill
- Registration of Births and Deaths (Welsh Language) Bill
- Renewable Content Obligation Bill
- Rentcharges (Notification) Bill
- Road Signs (Tourist Destinations and Facilities) Bill
- Royal Marriages and Succession to the Crown (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill
- Safety Of Medicines (Evaluation) Bill
- Sale of Mobile Homes (Interview) Bill
- Saving Gateway Accounts Act
- School Bus (Safety) Bill
- Schools (Health Support) Bill
- Scottish Banknotes (Acceptability in United Kingdom) Bill
- Short Selling and Bank Accounts Bill
- Small Business Rate Relief (Automatic Payment) Bill
- Sovereignty Of Parliament (European Communities) Bill
- Special Educational Needs and Disability (Support) Bill
- Sports Grounds Safety Authority Bill [HL]
- Statutory Redundancy Pay (Amendment) Bill
- Surface Water and Highway Drainage Charges (Exemption) Bill
- Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill
- Sustainable Energy (Local Plans) Bill
- Teaching of British History in Schools Bill
- Theft from Shops (Use of Penalty Notices for Disorder) Bill
- Torture (Damages) Bill [HL]
- Torture (Damages) (No. 2) Bill
- Waste Recycling (End Use Register) Bill
- Welfare Reform
- Young People Leaving Care (Accommodation) Bill