- Access To Contraceptive Services Bill
- Access To Inland Waterways Bill
- Access to Pension Protection Fund Benefits Bill
- Age-Related Macular Degeneration Bill
- Alcohol (Harm Reduction) Bill
- Alcohol Labelling Bill [HL]
- Animals Act (Amendment) Bill
- Appropriation Act 2007
- Appropriation (No.2) Act 2007
- Armed Forces (Federation) Bill
- Bailiffs (Licensing) Bill [HL]
- Bicycles (Children's Safety Helmets) Bill
- Bilingual Juries (Wales) Bill
- Bournemouth Borough Council 2010
- Broads Authority Act 2009
- Building Societies (Funding) and Mutual Societies (Transfers) Act 2007
- Carers (Identification Support) Bill
- Catholics (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill
- Childcare Provision (Wales) Bill
- Child Maintenance and Other Payments Act 2008
- Citizens' Convention Bill
- Climate Change (Effects) Bill
- Cluster Munitions (Prohibition) Bill [HL]
- Cluster Munitions (Prohibition of Development and Aquisition) Bill
- Concessionary Bus Travel Act 2007
- Consolidated Fund Act 2006
- Constitutional Reform Bill
- Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Act 2007
- Copyright (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill
- Copyright Term for Performers and Producers Bill
- Corruption Bill [HL]
- Council Housing (Direct Investment) Bill
- Criminal Damage Graffiti Bill
- Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008
- Criminal Law (Amendment) (Protection of Property) Bill
- Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill
- Cystic Fibrosis (Exemption from Prescription Charges) Bill
- Dance Teachers (Qualifications and Regulation) Bill
- Development Orders (Microgeneration) (formerly Energy Efficiency and Microgeneration) Bill [HL]
- Digital Switchover (Disclosure of Information) Act 2007
- Disability Benefits (Single Assessment) Bill
- Disabled Children (Family Support) Bill
- Disabled Persons (Independent Living) Bill [HL]
- Drugs (Reclassification and Roadside Testing) Bill
- Elected Representatives (Prohibition of Deception) Bill
- Electric Shock Training Devices Bill
- Employment Assistance (Wales) Bill
- Employment Retention Bill
- Energy Markets (Carbon Reduction and Warm Homes) Bill
- Energy Saving (Daylight) Bill
- European Union (Implications of Withdrawal) Bill [HL]
- European Union (Information etc) Bill [HL]
- Finance Act 2007
- Fixed Term Parliaments Bill
- Flexible Working Bill
- Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007
- Fraud (Trials Without a Jury) Bill
- Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill
- Freedom of Information (Amendment) (No.2) Bill
- Further Education and Training Act 2007
- Gangmasters (Licensing) Act 2004 Bill
- Government Spending (Website) Bill [HL]
- Grandparents (Rights of Access) Bill
- Greater London Authority Act 2007
- Health and Safety (Offences) Bill
- Historic Counties, Towns and Villages (Traffic Signs and Mapping) Bill
- House of Commons (Participation) Bill
- House of Lords (Amendment) Bill [HL]
- House of Lords Bill [HL]
- Houses in Multiple Occupation Bill
- Housing Association (Rights and Representation of Residents) Bill
- Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning of Public Authority) Bill
- Income Tax Act 2007
- Infrastructure Audit (Housing Development) Bill
- Interception of Communications (Admissability of Evidence) Bill [HL]
- Intergovernmental Contracts (Provision of Information) Bill
- International Tribunals (Sierra Leone) Act 2007
- Investment Exchanges and Clearing Houses Act 2006
- Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Act 2007
- Land Use (Gardens Protection Etc) Bill
- Leasehold Information Bill [HL]
- Legal Services Act
- Life Peerages (Residency for Taxation Purposes) Bill [HL]
- Light Bulb (Regulation) Bill
- Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act
- Local Planning Authorities (Energy and Energy Efficiency) Bill
- Manchester City Council 2010
- Media (Transparency and Disclosure) Bill
- Members of Parliament (Employment Disqualification) Bill
- Mental Health Act 2007
- Microgeneration and Local Energy Bill
- Milk (Pricing) Bill
- National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Impact on Carers) Bill
- National Trust (Northern Ireland) Bill
- Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) Act 2006
- Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) Act 2007
- Offender Management Act 2007
- Off-Road Vehicles (Registration) Bill
- Packaging (Reduction) Bill
- Palliative Care Bill [HL]
- Palliative Care (No.2) Bill
- Parliamentary Constituencies (Amendment) Bill [HL]
- Parliament (Joint Departments) Act 2007
- Pedlars (Street Trading Regulation) Bill
- Pensions Act 2007
- Pensions (Unclaimed Assets) Bill
- Piped Music etc (Hospitals) Bill [HL]
- Planning (Consultation) Bill
- Planning-Gain Supplement (Preparations) Act 2007
- Polling Stations (Regulation) Bill
- Ports (Regulation) Bill
- Post-16 Education and Training Bill
- Prenuptial Agreements Title Bill
- Private Parking (Regulations) Bill
- Proof of Age Scheme (Purchase of Restricted Goods) Bill
- Protection of Adults in Care (Prevention of Harm and Exploitation) Bill
- Protection of Listed Vehicles Bill
- Provision of Palliative Care Bill
- Public Demonstrations (Repeals) Bill [HL]
- Rating (Empty Properties) Act 2007
- Retail Packaging (Recycling) Bill
- Royal Commission (Slavery) Bill [HL]
- Rural Tranquility Bill
- Safeguarding Runaway and Missing Children Bill
- Scottish Parliament Elections Bill
- Serious Crime Act 2007
- Speed Limits (Amendment) Bill
- Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007
- Streetscape and Highways Design Bill
- Sustainable Communities Act 2007
- Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill
- Television Advertising (Food) Bill [HL]
- Temporary and Agency Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Bill
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Torture (Damages) Bill [HL]
- Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Bill
- Trade Union Rights and Freedoms Bill
- Transport for London (Supplemental Toll Provisions) Bill [HL]
- Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007
- UK Borders Act
- Vehicle Registration Marks Act 2007
- Victims of Overseas Terrorism Bill [HL]
- Waging War (Parliament's Role and Responsibilty) Bill
- Wild Birds (Protection) Bill
- Young Offenders (Provision of Speech Therapy) Bill