HC Deb 26 October 1977 vol 936 cc672-5W
Mr. McNamara

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, for the calendar years 1974, 1975 and 1976 and to the nearest convenient date in 1977, how many young persons have been held in prisons under the authority of transfer directions made by him under the Northern Ireland (Young Persons) Act 1974.

Mr. Carter:

The information is as follows:

1974 12
1975 3
1976 23
1977* 7
* Up to 18th October.

Mr. McNamara

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland for what offences the young persons held under transfer directions under the Northern Ireland (Young Persons) Act were charged for the years 1974, 1975 and 1976 and to the nearest convenient date in 1977.

1974 1975 1976 1977 (up to 18th October)
Murder 0 2 11 0
Attempted murder 2 1 5 1
Possession of firearms or explosives 8 0 5 4
Armed robbery 1 0 0 1
Malicious damage and hijacking 1 0 0 0
Hijacking 0 0 2 1
TOTALS 12 3 23 7

Mr. McNamara

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many of the young persons in prisons under the authority of transfer directions made by the Secretary of State were subsequently found guilty of the offences for which they were charged; what sentences were imposed upon them; and whether any charges were withdrawn and a lesser offence substituted.

Mr. Carter:

Thirty-three persons have been found guilty and were sentenced as follows:

Detention under Section 73 of the Children and Young Persons Act (Northern Ireland) 1968
During the pleasure of the Secretary of State 9
For 15 years 2
For 14 years 1
For 12 years 2
For 10 years 1
For eight years 1
For five years 3
For three years 3
For two years 1
Imprisonment (having attained 17 years before trial)
For 12 years 1
For seven years 2
For two years (suspended for three years) 1
Borstal Training 4
Training School Orders 2

(In these two cases the original charges of attempted murder were withdrawn and the lesser offences of possession of firearms with intent and taking a vehicle were substituted.)

Mr. McNamara

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many young persons held in prisons in Northern Ireland under transfer directions made by him were in prison for periods of longer than six months before their cases came before trial; why was it not possible to complete their cases within the six-month period; and whether he will give an undertaking that all young persons held under such circumstances will

Mr. Carter:

The information is as follows:

have their cases brought to trial within six months.

Mr. Carter:

Thirteen young persons were held in prison under transfer directions for periods longer than six months. In answer to a similar question by my hon. Friend on 29th April 1977—[Vol. 930, c. 457.]—information was given in respect of four young persons so held. In the further nine cases five were held for 10 months 25 days, one seven months 29 days, two seven months 21 days and one six months 16 days. Eight of the young persons faced murder charges and the ninth armed robbery and membership of PIRA. All these cases required intensive police investigation and because of their complexity it proved impossible to complete the normal processes in shorter periods. Twelve of the young persons concerned have been found guilty and received heavy sentences; the thirteenth is expected to have his case heard before the end of this month.

The position has not changed in regard to the third part of this question and I would therefore refer my hon. Friend to the reply given to that part of his previous question on 29th April—[Vol. 930, c. 457].

Mr. McNamara

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what provisions are made for the education of young persons whilst they are held in prisons under transfer directions made by him and what various levels of instruction are given and how many continue their education on transfer to other prisons on being found guilty.

Mr. Carter:

The position has not changed during the last few months. Young persons in respect of whom transfer directions have been made under the 1974 Act are accommodated in the Juvenile Remand Unit at Her Majesty's Prison, Belfast, or, in the case of females, at Her Majesty's Prison, Armagh. On arrival each young person is interviewed and assessed by the prison education officer, who draws up a programme of education based on the individual's needs and aspirations. Whole and part-time specialist teachers are available to provide for all levels of intellectual and academic abilities. After sentence, a full range of educational facilities is available to all inmates of prisons and borstals; full-time education is compulsory for all young persons under the statutory school-leaving age.