HL Deb 08 February 1974 vol 349 cc936-7WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Why between twelve and fifteen officials of the Home Office were present in court on each of the days January 30 and 31 and February 1 and 4 to hear the case of Mr. P. V. Thakrah, and what were their roles.


Five officers of the Home Office were present throughout these proceedings, which covered a wide range of important issues in the field of immigration and nationality. One lawyer and two administrators were present to assist Counsel as necessary, and there were two immigration officers to escort the appellant if bail was not renewed. A representative of the Treasury Solicitor, and three officers of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office were also present. Two of the officers present had sworn affidavits.

In addition, a number of Home Office officers whose duty it is to present cases before the immigration appeal authorities attended for short periods when their other duties permitted, and one officer attended as part of a training course.