HC Deb 27 October 1966 vol 734 cc218-9W
Mr. Archer

asked the Prime Minister if he will now announce the names of the Chairman and members of the Royal Commission on Assizes and Quarter Sessions.

The Prime Minister


As the House will recall, I announced on 11th August that The Queen had approved the setting up of a Royal Commission with the following terms of reference: To inquire into the present arrangements for the administration of justice at Assizes and at Quarter Sessions outside Greater London, and to report what reforms should be made for the more convenient, economic and efficient disposal of the civil and criminal business at present dealt with by those courts.

The Queen has now been pleased to approve that the noble Lord, Lord Beeching be appointed Chairman of this Royal Commission.

Her Majesty has also approved that the following be appointed Members of the Royal Commission: Mr. Justice Atkinson. A Judge of the High Court, Queen's Bench Division. Mr. H. P. Barker. Chairman and Managing Director of the Parkinson Cowan Group. Formerly Chairman of the British Institute of Management. Mr. R. M. Bingham, T.D., Q.C. Member of the Northern Circuit, Recorder of Oldham and a Judge of Appeal in the Isle of Man. Mr. Leslie Cannon. General President of the Electrical Trades Union. Sir George Coldstream, K.C.B., Q.C. Clerk of the Crown in Chancery and Permanent Secretary to the Lord Chancellor. Colonel Sir Denys Hicks, O.B.E., T.D., D.L. Solicitor. Ex-President of the Law Society. Mr. A. G. Norman, D.F.C. Chairman of the De La Rue Company. A member of the Council of the British Institute of Management. Mr. G. A. Wheatley, C.B.E. Clerk of the Peace and Clerk of the Hampshire County Council.