HC Deb 03 June 1947 vol 438 cc2-3W
Mr. Mikardo

4, 5 and 6. asked the Secretary of State for War (1) when the the independent member of the Army Manpower Economy Committee will be appointed, so that the committee can begin its work; how much time each of the members of the committee has undertaken to give to the work; how far the committee will be competent to investigate administrative methods; and whether the committee will have available the services of expert professional staff in administrative and technical, as well as military, matters;

(2) whether, in view of the fact that the Army Manpower Economy Committee of six persons includes three officers of his Department and one ex-officer, he will add to the committee further independent members, particularly those qualified in organisation and administrative methods;

(3) what estimate he has formed of the number of hours or days or work required by the Army Manpower Economy Committee to conclude its work.

Mr. Bellenger

The independent member has now been appointed. He is Mr. John Scott Fulton, Jowett Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. No specific undertakings have been given by members of the committee, but it is expected that they will be able to give to the work such time as it requires. I think that the membership of the committee is sufficient evidence that it will be fully competent to investigate administrative methods. It will have available the services of expert professional staff in administrative and technical matters from within the Department and, if necessary, outside it. I do not propose at present to make any change in the constitution of the committee, as already announced. It is too early yet to estimate how soon the committee's work will be completed. It has a large field to cover. It held its first meeting yesterday.