HC Deb 30 July 1942 vol 382 c713W
Dr. Little

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he is aware that for some time past no coal has been obtainable on parts of the border between Northern Ireland and Eire; that, owing to the export of turf into Eire it has not only become scarce but high in price, and whether he will take steps to see that an adequate supply of fuel is made available?

Major Lloyd George

I have no knowledge of the coal shortage referred to by the hon. Member and I am informed that regular supplies of coal are going to these districts. If he would give specific instances to the appropriate Department of the Government of Northern Ireland, I have no doubt that they will look into the matter. As regards the second part of the Question, I understand that inquiries have been made into the alleged export of peat to Eire and that the quantities involved, if any, are negligible.