HC Deb 28 September 1939 vol 351 cc1497-9W
Mr. V. Adams

asked the Minister of Health whether such pupils of schools in the evacuable areas that followed the Government's advice and remained in the district where they were on holiday can, on rejoining their schools, be billeted under the Government's scheme; and whether payment of the usual billeting allowance can be made in respect of them?

Mr. Elliot

The advice of the Government was that school children who were away on holiday at the time of evacuation should not return home and could be billeted in the area in which they were then staying. Those who did not take this advice but returned home have been given an opportunity to come within the Government scheme by further registration, and arrangements are now being made for their further evacuation.

Doubtless my hon. Friend has in mind the particular case of certain secondary school children who anticipated this arrangement and made their own way to the reception area. Although in this respect they departed from the procedure laid down, I am informed that the reception authority secured billets for these children, and that the usual billeting allowances are in fact being paid in respect of them.

Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Health what steps have been taken to augment the number of health visitors in the reception areas; and whether any have been transferred from the service of the local authorities in the evacuated areas?

Mr. Elliot

Steps for augmenting health visiting staff are primarily a matter for the welfare authorities in the different areas to decide upon, having regard to local needs. I propose very shortly to issue a circular giving advice to welfare authorities on this and other matters relating to the health of evacuees. I have at present no particulars showing to what extent health visiting staff have been transferred from evacuated to reception areas.

Mr. J. Hall

asked the Minister of Health whether any arrangements have been, or will be, made to provide boots for evacuated children whose parents are in receipt of public assistance and unable to purchase boots for their children?

Mr. Elliot

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given on the 27th September to my hon. Friend the Member for Bosworth (Sir W. Edge). I am considering methods of organising voluntary effort to supply necessitous children with clothes and other equipment, and I hope to issue a circular to local authorities shortly.

Sir R. Clarry

asked the Minister of Health whether he will consider making an early public pronouncement on the problem of the premature return of State-aided evacuees to congested areas,

whether he will state clearly the public danger involved, and that the Government will make no arrangements or contribution of assistance towards a second evacuation of those persons who return without official consent?

Mr. Elliot

I have already asked local authorities to emphasise in their areas the danger of people returning to the areas from which they have been evacuated, and similar warnings have appeared in the Press throughout the country. I have also asked local authorities to make it known that facilities for evacuation cannot be made available for these people again. I should welcome the widest possible publicity that can be given to this matter.

Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Transport whether any special travelling facilities, not interfering with traffic of national importance, can be offered to those wishing to visit their wives and children in the reception areas?

Mr. T. Smith

asked the Minister of Transport on what grounds cheap day railway tickets have been abolished; and whether the question of their restoration will be considered?

Mr. Silkin

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that hardship is caused to many women and children evacuated to reception areas by the withdrawal or absence of cheap fare facilities, thus preventing visits from husbands, parents and other relatives; and whether he will take all necessary steps to provide such cheap fare facilities?

Captain Wallace

I would refer to the reply which I gave on this subject to the hon. Member for Leyton West (Mr. Sorensen) on 20th September. I am sending the hon. Members a copy of that reply to which, as at present advised, I cannot add anything.