HC Deb 03 October 1939 vol 351 c1834W
Mr. Glenvil Hall

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that members of his staff transferred to Enfield owing to war emergency are having their wages reduced by 7s. a week to the provincial rate, and compulsorily billeted at a charge of 21s. a week, though in some instances living within 15 minutes omnibus ride of Enfield; and whether he will arrange that there shall be no reductions of wages in cases of transfer due to war emergencies?

Mr. Elliot

Established members of the staff of the Ministry of Health seconded for duty with the Ministry of Health Sector Offices, whether at Enfield or elsewhere, retain their existing rates of pay. No reduction to provincial rate has been made in any case.

The necessity for billeting of individual members of the staff engaged in the sectors is dependent on the distance they live from the office and the travelling facilities available. I am informed that no member of the staff lives within 15 minutes bus ride of the Enfield office, that all but one are more than one hour from the office and that on Sundays the service is infrequent. Billeting is arranged on the terms approved for the Civil Service as a whole.

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