HC Deb 09 March 1939 vol 344 cc2368-9W
Mr. Leach

asked the Minister of Health whether he will investigate, or request the Medical Research Committee to investigate, the diphtheria records of other countries besides the United States of America and Canada, and particularly those of Sweden and Switzerland, in view of the fact that diphtheria has practically disappeared from those countries without immunisation?

Mr. Elliot

I am having such diphtheria records as are available for European countries examined with a view to ascertaining what light they throw on the value of artificial immunisation, and I will communicate the result to the hon. Member. As artificial immunisation against diphtheria has been more extensively practised in North America than elsewhere, the records of those countries are clearly the most useful for a study of its effects.

Mr. Pilkington

asked the Minister of Health whether he will state the number of cases of diphtheria which have occurred in England in the last available year among persons who have been immunised from this disease, and the number of cases of diphtheria which have occurred among persons who have received no immunity; and whether he will also state the numbers of deaths in each category?

Mr. Elliot

I regret that this information is not available.

Mr. Viant

asked the Minister of Health how many cases of diphtheria have occurred in immunised or Schick-negative persons in Manchester during the year 1938, with the ages of such cases; and how many deaths have been recorded amongst these?

Mr. Elliot

I am making inquiries from the local authority and will communicate with the hon. Member.