HC Deb 08 February 1938 vol 331 cc874-5W
Mr. McGovern

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he can make any statement on the case which came before Sheriff More, at Banff on 25th January, when Georgina Isabella Logan was charged with beating a dumb woman patient at Lady bridge Asylum, Banff, with a shoe, when in defence she stated that she had seen other nurses do the same thing; what steps are being taken to safeguard these patients against treatment of this kind in future; and whether inquiry will be held into the alleged brutalities in this institution?

Mr. Elliot

Georgina Isabella Logan, aged 18, joined the Banff District Asylum staff as a nurse probationer on 2nd January, 1938. The assault on the patient was committed on the 10th January. The matter was reported to the Medical Superintendent next day and he immediately suspended Nurse Logan and reported the matter to the Procurator-Fiscal. On 25th January Nurse Logan pleaded guilty and the Sheriff deferred sentence till the 11th May. Nurse Logan has since been dismissed from the asylum service.

The asylum authorities have inquired into Nurse Logan's statement that she had seen other nurses do the same thing. The inquiries were made at the asylum by the County Clerk and his depute, and they reported that they were satisfied that there was no ground for the allegation. Any asylum nurse striking a patient is liable to instant suspension followed by dismissal, and all such offences are reported to the Procurator-Fiscal in order that criminal proceedings may be considered. The General Board of Control have considered this case and are satisfied that it is an isolated one, but I have asked the board to furnish me with a fuller report on the whole matter.