HC Deb 22 December 1938 vol 342 c3137W
Mr. Stokes

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware of the dislocation at this period of the year caused to business in the Near and Middle East due to the inadequate air-mail services; and whether he will take such steps as to prevent a repetition of the congestion at Christmas next year either by insistence on the provision of a greater supply of freight-bearing aeroplanes or by reversion to two classes of mail, thereby enabling ordinary Christmas mail to be carried by sea?

Captain Balfour

As I explained in my reply to my hon. Friend the Member for Aylesbury (Sir S. Reed) on 8th December, a temporary departure from the ordinary arrangements for the carriage of first-class air mail to the East has been necessary this year. None the less all the mail for the Near and Middle East has been cleared each week. I hope that in future the increased fleet of aircraft available will prevent even such temporary rearrangement of the mail despatches as occurred this year. In these circumstances the expedients proposed by the hon. Member are not at present contemplated, but the matter will receive careful review in the light of experience this Christmas and of circumstances next year.