HC Deb 08 March 1935 vol 298 c2265W

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury the reason for the refusal of the Treasury to receive a deputation from the Association of ex-Service Civil Servants on the subject of promotion procedure referred to in their letter of 31st October, 1934, and in their memorandum dated April, 1934; and whether, in view of the fact that it is desirable for the Treasury to have the benefit of the views of all concerned in such an important matter, he will waive the objection already raised and permit them to send their deputation to the Treasury?


The memorandum referred to was brought to the notice of the official side of the appropriate Whitley Committee. In reply to their letter of 31st October, the association were informed that as their views were placed before the Treasury in April last, and as the question of promotion procedure was also dealt with by the deputation received by my predecessor in June, 1932, no useful purpose would be served by the reception of a further deputation at the present time. It was added that any further representations which the association might desire to make should take the form of a supplementary memorandum.