HC Deb 11 July 1935 vol 304 c505W

asked the Minister of Agriculture how many persons were engaged in agriculture for the year 1930 and each succeeding year in England and Wales, and separate figures for Scotland for the same years?


According to the Industry Tables issued in connection with the Census of Population of 1931, 961,290 persons aged 14 years and over were engaged in agriculture in England and Wales in that year and 168,504 persons in Scotland. These figures exclude 56,369 persons in England and Wales, and 8,228 in Scotland described as "out of work" at the date of the Census. Corresponding figures are not available in respect of the year 1930 and years subsequent to 1931, but according to returns collected annually in June the total numbers of workers, excluding the occupier, his wife and domestic servants, employed on agricultural holdings above one acre in England and Wales and in Scotland in each of the years 1930 to 1934 were as follow:—

England and Wales. Scotland.
Number. Number.
1930 741,696 115,508
1931 716,607 112,466
1932 697,481 111,257
1933 715,546 112,465
1934 687,972 113,274

Figures for 1935 will not be available until August next.

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