HC Deb 16 December 1935 vol 307 c1421W

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether his attention has been called to the grievances of fish suppliers with regard to certain difficulties which have arisen in their obtaining supplies of potatoes; and whether any steps are to be taken to ensure that no undue difficulties are placed in the way of this valuable market for British potatoes?


I understand that arrangements were made last summer between the Potato Marketing Board and the national organisations of fish fryers under which grievances such as those to which my Noble Friend refers would be reported to and be considered by the Board, on the Retailers' Advisory Committee of which fish fryers have two representatives. I am not aware that any particular difficulty is being experienced by fresh fish fryers in obtaining supplies of potatoes at the present time, but if my Noble Friend will let me know of the cases he has in mind, I will be happy to pass on the information to the Board.