HC Deb 02 August 1935 vol 304 cc3007-8W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, why His Majesty's ambassador in the United States of America was instructed to prevent evidence being given publicly to the munitions committee of the United States Senate regarding the relations during the war between the British Government and financial interests in the United States; and whether he will take steps to prevent such interference with the inquiry?


It is assumed that the honourable Member is referring to the formal discussions which His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington had with the United States Government at the beginning of April last, relative to a proposal to investigate the war-time correspondence of certain United States Banks in connexion with the financing of purchases of munitions by the Allied Governments. As was explained in reply to a Question by the hon. Member for Wolverhampton East (Mr. Mender) on the 16th April, His Majesty's Government were only concerned with the possibility that the investigation might lead to a revival of long-since obsolete controversies which might have an undesirable effect on the international situation. Sir Ronald Lindsay was therefore instructed to express informally to the United States Secretary of State the hope that this consideration would be borne in mind if the investigation were undertaken.