HC Deb 28 February 1933 vol 275 c200W

asked the Minister of Agriculture the number of agricultural labourers unemployed in Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, and Yorkshire, respectively?


I regret that no statistics are available of the numbers of agricultural workers who are unemployed, but according to such information as the Ministry possesses the situation in each of the counties mentioned by my hon. and gallant Friend is broadly as follows:

Norfolk.—As compared with last year unemployment has increased slightly. Although the total number of workers affected is reported to be considerable they are understood to be mostly of the casual type.

Suffolk.—Unemployment is reported to be somewhat widespread and much more considerable than a year ago.

Essex.—Unemployment is reported as considerable and appears to be rather worse than last winter.

Cambridge and Isle of Ely.—Unemployment appears to be slight except perhaps among casual workers in Isle of Ely.

Lincolnshire (Holland). — Position thought to be better than in neighbouring counties, and there is perhaps less unemployment than a year ago.

Lincolnshire (Kesteven and Lindsey).—Unemployment is reported as considerable and worse than a year ago.

Yorkshire (East, West and North Ridings). — Unemployment considerable and worse than last winter.