HC Deb 12 February 1931 vol 248 cc614-5W

asked the Minister of Health for the year 1930 the number of schemes for the improvement of unhealthy areas submitted to the Ministry, and the number confirmed; how many schemes have been undertaken by local authorities and the number completed; the total amount paid on account by the State towards slum clearance; and the ultimate State liability in respect of schemes approved, in continuation of the information given by him on 20th February, 1930?


During the five months between the passing of the Housing Act, 1930, and the 31st December, 1930, resolutions were passed declaring 75 areas in England and Wales to be clearance areas under the Act. These resolutions do not require confirmation by me. In addition, one improvement scheme under the old legislation was confirmed during the year 1930, and nine of the schemes confirmed under that legislation were completed during the year. The amount paid on account by the State during the year 1930 was £101,500, and the ultimate annual State liability is roughly estimated at between £140,000 and £170,000.


asked the Minister of Health how many schemes for improvement areas and clearance areas, respectively, under the Housing Act, 1930, have been finally approved by him; how many local inquiries have been held in connec- tion therewith; and how many houses are included in any contract for new houses let under the Act?


Resolutions have been passed declaring 98 areas in England and Wales to be clearance, areas under the Act. These resolutions do not require approval by me. Local inquiries have been held in connection with clearance or compulsory purchase orders which have, been submitted in respect of six of those areas. Proposals for dealing with improvement areas under the Act are being prepared or are under consideration by a number of local authorities, but no resolution declaring any area to be an improvement area has yet been actually communicated to me. I am unable to give separately the number of houses included in contracts let by or in direct labour schemes of local authorities for the purposes of the Act of 1930. 8,180 houses authorised up to 1st January last will be available if required at the time of completion for the reception of persons displaced under that Act, but have not in general been as yet specifically allocated for that purpose.

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