HC Deb 04 November 1929 vol 231 cc639-40W

asked the First Commissioner of Works, whether, in view of the concern expressed by residents in the neighbourhood of Owens Pond, Richmond Park, and others, in connection with certain operations in progress which it is alleged will interfere with the natural beauties of the park, he will give instructions for the contemplated work to be suspended pending representations being made to him?


Judging by representations which have been made to me, there appears to be considerable misapprehension as to what is proposed. All that is being done at the moment is to clean out the pond. The bottom will not be cemented, nor will any permanent buildings be erected. It is proposed to have on the pond paddle-boats, such as gave enjoyment to some 40,000 children in Bushey Park last summer, and it is hoped to reserve an arm of the pond for the sailing of toy boats. With a view to preventing further misunderstandings, I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of all the proposed works in the Royal Parks towards which money has been subscribed.

Following is the list:

  • Shelter, Greenwich Park
  • Shelter, Kensington Gardens.
  • Shelter, Richmond Park.
  • Shelter, Bushey Park.
  • Shelter, Primrose Hill.
  • Boating pond, Greenwich Park.
  • Boating pond, Regent's Park.
  • Boating pond, Richmond Park.
  • Sandpit, Kensington Gardens.
  • Sandpit, Richmond Park.
  • Sandpit, Bushey Park.
  • Swings, etc., various parks.
  • Bathing facilities at the Serpentine.
  • Hard tennis courts, Greenwich Park.
  • Sun-bathing facilities, Regent's Park.
  • Games ground, Hyde Park.
  • Pavilion, Regent's Park.