HC Deb 20 February 1929 vol 225 cc1134-5W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the number of men discharged from His Majesty's dockyards and naval establishments, respectively, during the months of November and December, 1928, and January, 1929; and whether further discharges are anticipated in the future?


The following statement gives the information asked for in the first part of the hon. Member's question, together with figures showing the entries of industrial employés in the various establishments during the same period, and is in continuation of the statement given in reply to the hon. Member's question on 22nd of November last [OFFICIAL REPORT, Columns 1931–2]. As regards the second part of the question,

Numbers of workpeople discharged on reduction and numbers entered in the several localities.
November, 1928. December, 1928. January, 1929.
Discharges. Entries. Discharges. Entries. Discharges. Entries.
Portsmouth 14 119 5 214 64 28
Devonport 1 50 6 39 38 33
Chatham 2 67 1 66 72
Rosyth 12 1 9 26 3 3
Sheerness 34 3 5 3 1 21
Portland 1 4 34 36 60 62
Woolwich 4
Armament Depot, Crombie 3 2 1
Torpedo Factory, Greenock 29 6 27 9 1 9
Armament Depot, Holton Heath 1 1 6 1 6 2
94 254 93 400 173 231